Please note: The following feature is available as part of Birdie’s Starter, Core, Advanced and Plus packages (Also known as Care Management, Rostering & Finance, Premium, Entry and Essentials) Please get in touch if interested in more information on this feature!
Adjusting pay rates for Carers is essential for accurately reflecting changes in service demands and professional needs. Whether you need to implement a new pay rate for a specific type of care or apply an uplift to compensate for increased travel time or additional inconveniences, it’s crucial to ensure that your rates align with these evolving requirements.
For example, you might need to adjust pay rates when a Carer takes on extra responsibilities or when working in a more remote location. Birdie offers you complete flexibility to update and customise pay rates as needed, allowing you to ensure fair compensation while adapting to the unique needs of your Carers.
How to edit pay rate cards
You can easily edit pay rates on Birdie.
Simply navigate to the Pay rates tab and select the pay rate card you want to edit.
Then click on the 'Edit' button in the top right of the screen.
Here, you'll be able to make any number of changes, including changing the title, the value of the rate or rates, as well as when it applies and the day or days of the week it applies. You’ll also be able to add in additional rates, such as new service type rates, for instance, and apply percentage uplifts to rate cards.
To make a change to an existing rate on the rate card, you can use the edit icons next to each individual rate. You can also use the 'x' to delete entirely.
You can change the order of rates on any rate card - with new toggle arrows to quickly move any rate up or down.
To add a new standard rate, you can simply click 'add rate'. If you'd like to add a new service type rate or rates, you can simply click 'add service type rate'. For either scenario, simply fill out the rate information as you normally would.
Once you're happy with the edits or adjustments you've made, you'll need to save your changes. Do this by clicking 'save' at the bottom right of the screen. You can hit 'reset' if you'd like to discard those changes.
Once you hit save, you'll need to select when these changes apply. Read the section entitled 'How to select when rates apply' at the bottom of this article.
How to apply an uplift
If you'd like to apply an uplift to a rate card, you can. birdie makes it easy to increase your rate cards by a certain percentage, without having to manually calculate the new rate and edit individually.
To do so, simply click into the rate card you wish to apply this uplift to and select 'Edit' in the top corner of the screen.
You'll see a section that says 'Apply uplift by a percentage'. Here, you'll be able to identify how much you'd like to uplift the rates by, 5 or 7 per cent, for instance. Simply type in the correct percentage - or use the arrows to toggle the number up or down.
Once happy, click 'Apply uplift'. You'll then see each of the rates on your rate card increase by the percentage you added above.
Once you're happy with the uplift you've made, you'll need to save your changes. Do this by clicking 'save' at the bottom right of the screen. You can hit 'reset' if you'd like to discard those changes.
Once you hit save, you'll need to select when these changes apply. Read the section entitled 'How to select when rates apply' at the bottom of this article.
Applying an uplift with a decimal point
It is not possible to have a decimal point in an uplift, e.g 2.5 would have to be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number.
If you need to have an uplift of a decimal place you will need to:
Enter the decimal percentage change e.g 2.5
Click the Save button
An error message will appear informing you it cannot be a decimal point
Enter 0 into the uplift box
Click Save again
The desired uplift amount, in this example, 2.5%, would have already been applied to the rate card and can be viewed in the audit trail of the rate.
How to select when changes to rates apply
Once you've updated your rate card, you'll need to identify when these changes or edits come into effect. You will not be able to save until you've done this.
Select the date using the drop-down date selector. You can apply rates from a date in the past or for a date in the future. If you select a day in the past this is limited to the last 60 days.
Once you've selected the date the changes should apply, hit 'save.'
You can easily view the changes you've made and the dates those changes or rates apply from. To view this, simply click into any rate card and select 'Audit trail.'
Here you'll see past rates and what dates they applied. You'll also be able to see upcoming rates and the date they will come into effect.
Please note: if the updated rate that you're back-dating isn't appearing on the rate card and only the audit trail, this may be because:
There’s been a previous change with a start date later than the one you’re backdating to. This means that the one with the later start date will override the one you’re editing and show as the active one.
To avoid this, we recommend that you save any edits as today’s date first (so it’s the active one) then backdate it after that.