There is certain information that Birdie receives from Staffplan. This means if you try and edit this information on Birdie the changes will not be saved or will revert back to what is on Staffplan. It is important to take note of this information as it can save you a lot of time!
Any information edited on Staffplan will be pushed over to Birdie within 30 minutes.
What Birdie syncs for carers
Country code
Phone number (not alt number)
What Birdie syncs for clients
Primary phone number
Scheduled visit dates and times
What does Birdie send to Staffplan?
Birdie only sends back check-in and check-out data as actuals
Need more help?
If you need further help using the Staffplan system please reach out to them directly. If you do not have access to Staffplan Exchange you need to contact an administrator or someone in your agency who has a login to change the settings for you. Alternatively, you can contact Staffplan to create a login.
To contact Staffplan 0330 343 0067 or (if you have a portal account)
Please note: new integrations are no longer supported with Staffplan.