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List of Skills That are Available in Birdie

There are 95+ skills available in Birdie, allowing you to highlight Care Professionals' training and leverage these skills while matching.

Sabrina Treitz avatar
Written by Sabrina Treitz
Updated over 9 months ago

Please note: The following feature is available as part of Birdie’s Advanced and Plus packages (As well as Premium) Please get in touch if interested in more information on this feature!

Some Care Recipients may need specific care or skills delivered during their visit. You can now add a range of skills to your caregiver's profile and match them with the Care Recipient ensuring that you are utilising your carer's skills and training and delivering the best care to your clients. For how to do this, read the article here.

If you cannot find a skill in the below list please use the 'Other' option and write in the text box more detail about the skill.

List of skills available

Anal irrigation and practical digital examination

Rectal suppository insertion

Autonomic dysreflexia monitoring

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Catheter care - Urethral


Catheter care - Suprapubic

Bladder washout

Diabetes and Blood Glucose Monitoring

Epilepsy management

Insulin administration

Manual Cough Assist

Mechanical Cough Assist

Nasogastric Care and Feeding

Medication administration - Ear Drops

Medication administration - Eye Drops

Medication administration - Buccal and Sublingual

Medication administration - Inhaler

Medication administration - Nasal drops / spray

Medication administration - Nebuliser

Medication administration - Transdermal

Medication administration - Topical / Creams

Medication administration- Oral

Medication management

Non-invasive ventilation

Invasive ventilation

Airway and ventilator management

CO2 monitoring

Oxygen therapy management

Pulse oximetry monitoring

Respiration monitoring

PEG care and feeding

Jejunostomy care and feeding

Gastronomy button care and feeding

Phlebotomy / Venepuncture

Physical Therapy

Pulse Monitoring

Seizure Management

Spinal Care Management

Stoma care

Suctioning - care

Suctioning - oral

Suctioning - nasopharyngeal

Suctioning - Tracheostomy

Tracheostomy - care

Tracheostomy - humidification

Tracheostomy - tube change

Laryngectomy - care

Temperature monitoring

Urinary sheath - care


Wound care

Moving and Handling

Moving and Handling Objects

GDPR training

Recording and Reporting

Person Centered Care

Basic Life Support training

Infection Prevention and Control

Safeguarding Adults

Safeguarding Children

Modern slavery and human trafficking awareness training

Sepsis awareness

Fire safety

Care certificate

Acquired brain injury monitoring

Anti-ligature training

Learning disabilities and autism awareness

Bowel management

Challenging behaviour training

De-escalation training

Dementia - basic training

Dementia - advanced training

Dysphagia management

End of life care

Food hygiene

Mental health management

Pressure area care


Farrell valve management

Ketone monitoring

Mitrofanoff care

Adrenalin administration (Auto-injector)

Personal Care



Equity and Diversity

First Aid

Health and Safety Awareness

Mental Capacity and Libery Safeguards

Nutrition and Hydration

Oral Health

Positive Behavior Support and Non Restrictive Practice

Specific Conditions


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