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How to Use The Set-up & Training Report to Review Your Onboarding Progress With Birdie
How to Use The Set-up & Training Report to Review Your Onboarding Progress With Birdie

A report to help you regularly review your progress when setting up your Birdie Agency Hub.

Sabrina Treitz avatar
Written by Sabrina Treitz
Updated this week

Birdie's Set-up and Training report has been designed to help you monitor your progress through all the steps of onboarding. This report also aims to help you plan and identify the next steps in your Birdie implementation.

What is included in the report?

Birdie's Set Up and Training report is broken up into 6 main sections, which are outlined below.

  • Overview of Clients and Team Members Added to Birdie

  • Office Team Training Progress

  • Care Management Set Up Progress

  • Finance Set Up Progress

  • Birdie Rostering Set Up Progress

  • Going Live! Progress Report

Each section then contains reports that are specific to the topic at hand, i.e. the Care Management section will contain insights related to your % progress setting up tasks and medications for your Clients.

Within the report, you'll also see 'i' symbols. Each of the 'i' information symbols can be hovered over for more information.

Clicking into each % progress update will enable you to drill further into the data, to see which individual Clients' or team members' profiles may require further updates.

Within the report you'll also find useful links that will help you to find extra information about setting up each part of Birdie as you go!

How to review the Overview section of the report

At the very top of the report, you'll see:

  • Active Clients added to Birdie - the number of Clients you've successfully added to your Birdie Hub.

  • Active Team members added to Birdie - the number of team members you've successfully added to your Birdie Hub.

How to review the Office Team Training Progress section of the report

This section is designed to give you an overview of your admin team’s progress in completing training in the Birdie Academy.

Within this section of the report you will see:

  • Count of people who have completed the Care Management course

  • Count of people who have completed the Finance Management course

  • Count of people who have completed the People Manager course

  • Count of people who have completed the Roster course

  • Count of people who have completed the Office Manager course

  • You’ll also see a table that includes further insights, such as:

    • Team member’s name

    • If they have completed the Care Manager course, Yes or No

    • If they have completed the Finance course, Yes or No

    • If they have completed the People Manager course, Yes or No

    • If they have completed the Roster course, Yes or No

    • If they have completed the Office Manager course, Yes or No

You can use this information to follow up with your office team and remind them of the importance of training and ensure they will be ready to use Birdie, so they can get the best out of the solution from day one!

How to review the Care Management Set Up Progress section of the report

This section is designed to give you an overview of your progress with setting up Clients' profiles, care plans, tasks and medications.

Within this section of the report you will see:

  • % Active Clients with Address Coordinates

    • This refers to setting up your Client's address in their profile on Birdie. This is critical to ensuring that carers are able to check in securely.

  • % Active Clients with Care Plans uploaded

    • This refers to uploading your care plan as a PDF document OR inputting all 8 initial assessments onto your Clients' profiles.

  • % Active Clients with Medication Schedules

    • This refers to active Clients with at least one medication schedule, the percentage completion excludes Clients where medication is not supported.

  • % Active Clients with Task Schedules

    • This refers to active Clients with at least one task schedule added to Birdie, a crucial part of the care plan to bring activities to life.

  • A progress report, which breaks down progress for each individual Client, including:

    • Whether the Client is self-administering medication

    • Count of medication schedules added for that individual

    • Count of care task schedules for that individual

How to review the Birdie Finance Set-Up section of the report

This section is designed to give you an overview of your progress with setting up on Birdie’s finance solution.

Within this section of the report you will see:

  • Number of invoice rates added

  • Number of payer contracts added

  • % Active Clients with Funding

  • % Visit Schedules with Funding

    • This refers to assigning funding to each individual visit schedule in Birdie, depending on who is responsible for paying.

  • A table providing insight into Client Invoicing Management, including:

    • Client name associated with a contract

    • Payer name associated with a contract

    • Maximum hours per week associated with the contract

    • The contract name

    • The service type associated with the contract

    • The invoice group associated with that contract (if applicable)

    • The invoice format associated with that contract, i.e. standard, local authority, NHS

    • If applicable, the Clients' local authority number or NHS number

  • % Active Carers with Pay Rates Assigned

  • % Active Carers with Travel Rates Assigned

  • A table providing insight into carer pay and travel rate assignment, including:

    • The team member's name

    • The team member's employee number

    • The pay rate assigned to the team member

    • The travel rate assigned to the team member

How to review the Birdie Rostering section of the report

This section is designed to give you an overview of your progress with setting up on Birdie’s rostering.

Within this section of the report you will see:

  • % Active Carers with Address Coordinates

    • This refers to adding the carers address in Birdie, which is used for travel time calculations.

  • % Active Carers with Availability Schedules

    • This refers to inputting carers availability in their profile, to enable effective roster assignment.

  • % Active Clients with a Visit Schedule

  • % Visits Assigned Regular Carers

    • This refers to assigning regular carers to visit schedules, which forms your roster template and enables simple and predictable weekly rostering.

  • A progress report, which breaks down progress for each individual Client, including:

    • Count of regular carers assigned to Client visits

    • Count of visit schedules

    • Count of visit schedules with funding assigned

How to review the Going Live! section of the report

This section is designed to give you an overview of your care team's progress in downloading and logging into the app, and completing training in the Birdie Academy.

Within this section of the report you will see:

  • Count of Carers who have completed training in the Birdie Academy

  • A table with further insights into training completion, including:

    • The Carers name

    • Whether or not they have logged into the Birdie app, i.e. Yes or No

    • The date they started the training course

    • If the training course has been completed, i.e. Yes or No

You can use this information to follow up with your Carer and remind them of the importance of training and ensure they will be ready to use Birdie and start reporting visits via the app!

Finally, whilst preparing to go live on Birdie you can use this section of the report to check that your visits have been correctly allocated for the next week, and that your Carers are reporting visits in the Birdie app.

Within this section of the report you will see:

  • % Visits Assigned to Carers Next Week

    • This refers to visit schedules that have at least one carers assigned.

  • % Active Carers Reporting Visits

    • This refers to carers starting to consistently report visits in the app, they will show on this report once they have completed 3 or more visits using Birdie.

How often should I check this report?

We recommend checking this at least once per week, so you can plan for the next steps in your Birdie implementation.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to your onboarding manager directly or contact support via [email protected] or use the live chat in the Birdie agency hub.

How often and when will I receive this report?

You’ll continue to receive a progress report once a week, each Monday, via email.

Those with access to Birdie Analytics can also view this report by logging into Birdie Analytics and heading to the bottom of the HR + Scheduling & Matching Board.

How does this relate to my set-up checklist?

The report is designed to complement the steps in your Birdie set-up checklist.

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