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How to Change the Time or Duration of a Visit
How to Change the Time or Duration of a Visit

To give Carers some time to complete their plans, you may want to alter the time or duration of a visit.

Ravi avatar
Written by Ravi
Updated over 2 months ago

Please note: This feature is available to all Birdie packages, if you do not have access to this, please reach out to your Customer success manager who can enable this for you.

If you notice that a Carer is consistently running over or under the allocated visit time you may want to update the time of the visit schedule. Your Carers will only see these updates when their app is connected to the internet, they will need to refresh their apps to see these changes.

Please note: You will need to change the time on your roster if the time has altered a large amount. We recommend making the visit schedule on Birdie slightly longer than the roster, to account for any overruns or lateness.

How to change the time or duration of a visit

Go to the Client's Visit tab and open the visit card that you want to change the time of. Click Edit on the pop-up box.

From here, you can change the start and end times of the visit.

When you are done, click Save changes and choose if this change is for this visit only or this visit and all following visits in the schedule.

Please note: you cannot edit the frequency, the start date or the day of the visit, if you need to edit these you will need to end the schedule and start a new one, for more information on how to end a visit schedule please read this article - How to end a visit schedule

If you have made a mistake or you need to change the time again, you can do this again by following the steps above.

Please note: it is not possible to create an 'anytime visit'.

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