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An Introduction to the Rostering Dashboard

Use the Roster tab to view, search and filter visits by care recipient or care professional

Clementine Dugrand avatar
Written by Clementine Dugrand
Updated over 9 months ago

Please note: The following feature is available as part of Birdie’s Starter, Core, Advanced, Plus, Care Management and Advanced Care Management packages (As well as Care Management & Rostering, Care Management, Rostering & Finance, Premium, Entry and Essentials) Please get in touch if interested in more information on this feature!

The Roster tab is where you can get a bird's eye view of all of the scheduled visits and spot any unallocated visits that may require immediate attention.

You can also apply a template to recreate an ideal rota as well as filter through using the display options to ensure you are seeing the most important information.

You will find the weekly rota by clicking on the Roster tab in the top menu.

How to filter the rota

There are a few ways to filter the rota, enabling you to find visits quickly and indicating where a visit may need to be altered. You can filter through the rota by using the buttons at the top, these include:

  • Carer/Client view (Client view not available for shifts)

  • Day/Month view

  • Groups

  • Date

  • Display Options

    • Rolling timeline

    • Single day

    • Travel time

    • Unavailable carers

    • Cancelled visits

Please note: depending on your package you may not see some filtering options.

You will be able to see the number of hours a Care Professional has scheduled underneath their name and how many hours are currently unallocated.

You can navigate through the week by clicking the arrows next to the date or by selecting a week on the calendar selector, if you want to return to today's date click Now at the bottom of the drop-down calendar.

For a deep dive into how to use the filtering and view options for your rota screen, read the article here- How to customise and configure your Rota Screen experience

Monthly view of the rota for Shifts

To see a monthly view of the rota select the Month view. This will show you the monthly visits for your Care Professionals. You will be able to quickly see:

  • Their availability for the month

  • Shifts assigned

The monthly view is useful for auditing especially if you pay in monthly cycles. You can go back to view the Shifts completed by a Care Professional in a given month.

Manage runs, Templating and the Find alternative carer feature

On this screen you will also see these features that will be helpful to your rota planning, these are Manage runs, Plan Rota and Find alternative carer.

To use the Alternative carer modal, click on a visit. A drop-down menu will show allowing you to find an alternative carer, view the visit details, auto-assign the visit if it is unallocated and manage the visit in a run

To use the Manage runs and Plan rota feature, click on the buttons on the right-hand side of your screen.

For more in-depth guides on how to use these features please read these articles - How to apply a template to plan a weekly rota and Setting up Runs for rostering

Using the drag-and-drop feature

You can use the drag-and-drop feature to quickly move visits on the screen. You can move the time of the visit and apply this to the entire schedule or you can drag and drop it to a care professional so that they will now be allocated to it.

You can use this feature on both the Client and Carer view, however, you will only be able to drag and drop a visit allocation on the Carer view.

If you have made an accidental change to a visit via the drag-and-drop tool you can undo with by clicking Undo on the pop-up box.

Understanding the colours on the rota screen

You will notice that the rota is colour-coded so that you can see quickly what is going on, these colours mean:

  • Green blocks are past visits that have been completed, this requires the carer to check-in and out of the visit on the app

  • Red blocks are past visits that have not been completed because the carer did not check-in using the birdie app

  • Navy blocks are future visits that are scheduled

  • Grey blocks are future visits that are in draft mode

  • Light blue blocks Indicate a carer is on annual leave

  • Grey sections indicate that a carer is not available

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