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The Rostering Glossary of Terms

Get to know some of Birdie's common Rostering terms, this will help you make the most out of our rostering platform

Anjelica avatar
Written by Anjelica
Updated over 9 months ago

Please note: The following feature is available as part of Birdie’s Starter, Core, Advanced, Plus, Care Management and Advanced Care Management packages (As well as Care Management & Rostering, Care Management, Rostering & Finance, Premium, Entry and Essentials) Please get in touch if interested in more information on this feature!


Allocation / Assignment

This is the assignment of a visit to a Care Professional. You can manually allocate Care Professionals to visits - or use tools such as the Template to allocate Care Professionals to Visits.

Auto-assign unallocated visits

The auto-assign tool will help find the most optimal match for all the visits that remain in the unallocated section of your roster after you have applied your template. You should use this after you have applied your template. This can be found on the Roster page in the Plan Rota button.

The auto-allocation takes into account the Care Professionals' availability, and they will not be scheduled if it is out of hours or they have overlapping visits. It will also never match if a Care Professional has been declined from visiting a certain Care Recipient. The tool will then prioritise the Care Professionals who have visited the Care Recipient the most in the last 7 days. See more information here.


This is the schedule of times and days where a Care Professional has indicated they are free to deliver care and be assigned to a visit or visit schedule. This can be set on the Availability tab on a Care Professional’s profile and viewed on the Roster page. This is useful for understanding team capacity and setting regular carers. See more information here.


This is the ability to indicate a care professional is not free to deliver care or be assigned to a visit or visit schedule. This can be set on the Availability tab on a Care professionals profile and viewed on the Roster page. You can select from various types of absences such as Holiday, Sick, Maternity etc. This ensures you do not accidentally assign a Care Professional that is not available. See more information here.


Carer & Client view

These are the different views of the rota screen, where you can select to see the rota by Carer list or by Client list. These view options can be found in the Roster tab. This is used to break down the rota screen so that it is more manageable. To see the different functionalities on each view see here.

Continuity of care

This is the consistency in which a Care Professional visits a Care Recipient. Continuity is essential for the delivery of high-quality, person-centred care, and as such it is surfaced in multiple places across the Agency Hub. You can find continuity criteria in the Find Alternative Carer modal and you can assign Regular Carers to promote more consistency and continuity in care. You can also see how frequently a Care Professional has visited a particular Care Recipient within a certain timeframe.


Decline carer

This allows you to block or decline a Care Professional from being scheduled with a Care Recipient. This can be found on the Care Team tab for a Care Recipient or the Clients tab for a Care Professional. This is useful when scheduling future visits for this Care Recipient as the Care Professional will not appear as an option and will also not be considered in the weekly auto-allocation either.

Once you have declined a Care Professional, any existing assigned visits will be automatically unassigned, so you can reassign them to a different member of your care team. Read more information here.

Double-up / Multi-carer visits

This is a visit with two or more Care Professionals required. The maximum amount of Care Professionals available to set as required is 4. A double-up visit will show twice on the Roster page as they will need to be fulfilled by two different Care Professionals in order for the visit to go ahead. These visits will also be labelled within the Birdie App, making it easy to Care Professionals to coordinate ahead of time. See more information here.

Drag & drop

The drag-and-drop feature allows you to quickly move visits on the screen and account for last-minute changes. This can be found on the Roster page. This is useful if you need to move the time or length of the visit. You can also drag and drop a visit to a Care Professional so that they will now be allocated to it.

You can use this feature on both the Client and Carer view, however, you will only be able to drag and drop a visit allocation on the Carer view. For more information see here.


FAM (Find Alternative Carer Modal)

This is the window that will appear when you need to allocate a Care Professional to a visit. This can be found by clicking into a visit and selecting Find alternative carer within the Roster page or the Care Recipient’s Visit planning page.

This window will enable you to allocate a visit to a Care Professional and will include matching information such as travel time, continuity, availability and group. It will also include skills-matching information for those with access to that feature. For more information see here.


Guaranteed hours contract

This is one of the contract types available within the Onboarding Tab of a Care Professional’s profile. You can indicate the type of contract any member of your care team is on using the drop-down menu. This is a contractual agreement between Agencies and Care Professionals where there is a minimum amount of hours that the Care Professional would be working.


You would use Groups if your care company is managed in different teams, locations, or any other kind of group. Groups can be created and managed on the drop-down menu when you click your initials in the top right-hand corner of your agency hub. You can filter through groups on the Roster page as well as the Logs, Team, Inbox and Clients tabs.

This will help you create a better view of what is going on within each one and can assist in care coordination if different team members are responsible for certain groups or geographical areas, for example. See more information here.



This is the act of finding the optimal Care Professional for the right visit whilst taking into consideration selected preferences, continuity of care, travel and other criteria, such as skills. Different matching criteria will be useful when allocating a Care Professional to a Visit. Matching criteria is surfaced across Birdie in various places, including in the Find Alternative Carer Modal and the hover cards.


Preferred carer

This tells you which Care Professionals have most recently delivered care for that individual Care Recipient within a 90-day rolling period, not tied to a specific visit or visit schedule. It may also be the person who has been set as a regular carer. You may see one or multiple ‘Preferred carers listed’.

This can be found within the Care Team tab when clicking into a visit card within Visit Planning - or it can be found on the Care Team tab when clicking View visit details within the rota. It is a helpful way to understand who may be the optimal match or regular carer when updating your template. It’s also a helpful way to promote continuity of care.


Regular carer

Regular carers are used to create your template and indicate to the Birdie Roster that this individual should always be assigned if available when applying the template. This will also inform the 'auto-allocation' function of Birdie.

Assigning a regular carer can be set for the whole visit schedule, or to visits on specific days of the week, so you can have a different regular carer for each visit of someone's schedule. You can also have alternating regular carers to match an alternating visit schedule, for example.

You can use the continuity data which will indicate who has visited this client the most, but ultimately the choice of who the regular carer should be is completely up to you. You can assign them via the Care Recipient’s Visit planning page under the Care Team tab. You can also assign them on the Care Team tab when clicking ‘View visit details’ within the rota. See more information here.

Rota screen / Roster tab

A view of visits that shows important information for Care Coordinators and Scheduling teams, such as Care Professionals and Clients, Visit times and status, availability and absences for care teams, as well as allocated and unallocated visits. It also unlocks important visibility for teams to react to last-minute changes or when future planning. This includes different filters and views in Birdie, so you can drill down to exactly the information you need. See more information here.


This is the consistent and predictable grouping of visits that you want to schedule at once to the same Care Professional. Runs can be assigned and managed on the Roster page. This is useful if you need to group visits that are close by and want to create a reliable and consistent schedule for your Care Professional. See more information here.


Scheduling calendar

The weekly scheduling calendar will enable you to view the full week of scheduling for each care recipient under your service and care professionals in your team. The calendar shows the full week for a 24-hour day. This makes overnight visits/longer visits for different care types much clearer and easier to track and will give you a full view of their schedule for any given week.

This is also helpful in understanding capacity, so you can establish how many visits in a week are unallocated, and try to find a care professional that can attend all of them, not just a single visit. See more information here.

Skills matching

This is the ability to match a Care Professional based on their skill set to a care recipient with specific skills requirement or needs. This can be found on the Skills tab for a Care Professional and the Visit planning page for a Care Recipient.

This is useful if a Care Recipient needs specific care or skills delivered during their visit. You can add a range of skills to your Care Professional’s profile and match them with the Care Recipient, ensuring that you are utilising their skills and training and delivering the best care to your Care Recipients. See more information here.



This feature will help you map out your ideal rota and help create a more predictable schedule of visits and assignments across your rota. You would use the template feature when starting to plan the roster for a week from scratch. When the template is created and applied, the platform will allocate the regular carers you have set up, in combination with their availability and groups, to assign visits. This can be found under the Plan rota button on the Roster page.

This will help you apply recurring patterns within rostering that save time on coordination. These provide predictability for Care Recipients and Care Professionals. See more information here.

Timeline tab

This feature will allow you to get a quick overview of what changes have been made in your agency and most importantly who has made them. The Timeline Tab can be found on the right-hand sidebar when clicking on a visit card. The Timeline Tab is an easy way to see what has been added or taken out of a visit card, you can also view any alerts that have been raised during a visit. See more information here.

Travel time

This is the estimated amount of time required for travel between visits. This feature can be found by toggling on the travel time feature in the Display options tab and when hovering over a visit on the Roster page. It can also be found in the Find alternative care modal.

This can be used to identify if there is enough time to travel between visits and help ensure all scheduled visits can be delivered on time and as planned. This can also be used to identify if there are any inefficiencies, such as large waiting gaps, in your rota. Please note: travel time is calculated using a mapping API, which surfaces the latest traffic information.


Viewer Access

This gives or removes the permission for a Care Professional to view the details of a Care Recipient within the Birdie App. If a Care professional is granted viewer access, this does not mean they have been allocated to a visit but means they will be able to see their profile within the Birdie App. This is useful for Care Professionals as they can view in advance the details needed for care delivery and relevant visits

You can revoke viewer access which removes the permission for a Care Professional to view the details of a Care Recipient. This is different from ‘Decline carer’ and won't stop the Care Professional from being shown as an option for the Care Recipients visits. If they are scheduled for a visit together then they will gain Viewer access again. This is useful if you like to restrict what the Care Professionals can view about a Care Recipient. This can be found on the Care Team tab for a Care Recipient or the Clients tab for a Care Professional. See more information here.

View - Timeline

This is the option to view the Rota for a whole week. This is found under Display options on the Roster page. Timeline view will allow you to scroll across to see the whole week of visits so you can move seamlessly between days. This is handy if you have long overnight visits. See more information here.

View- Day

This is the option to view the Rota for a day. This is found under Display options on the Roster page. Day view will allow you to focus on the day you have selected, you can toggle to either the morning or evening by clicking the buttons at the top of the screen. This is handy if you have particular days you are responsible for assigning visits. See more information here.

Visit card

A visit card represents a ‘visit’ on the Birdie system. Here you will add the tasks and medications that need to be completed during the visit. These can be found on the Care recipients’ Visit Planning page, on the Logs tab, and in the Carer/Client feed. You can also view visit details and status within the Roster tab. These are useful as you can see all the information about the visit in one place such as the time of the visit, which Care professional is assigned and how many medications and tasks are included in the card. See more information here.

Visit planning

Visit Planning is a group of features that helps to plan Care Recipient visits within Birdie’s Agency Hub. You can turn this feature on in the Care Recipients Settings tab. Here, you can create a visit schedule as well as associate the tasks and medications that need to be completed by a Care professional during a visit or set of visits. See more information here.

Visit session

These are the periods of the day in which visits are categorised within a Care Recipient’s Visit Planning page. The sessions listed in Birdie are Morning, Lunch, Afternoon and Evening and they will appear on the left-hand side of the Visit Planning page.

Visit schedule

This is the regular occurrence of visits for a Care Recipient, for example, the visit schedule could be every day at 9 am or every Monday and Thursday at 12 pm. You can create a visit schedule on the Care Recipient’s Visit planning page. See more information here.


Zero hours contract

This is one of the contract types available within the Onboarding Tab of a Care Professional’s profile. You can indicate the type of contract any member of your care team is on using the drop-down menu. This is a contractual agreement between Agencies and Care Professionals where no minimum of hours of work is guaranteed.

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