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Your Guide to PRN Protocols

Understand what our PRN protocols are and what additional information is needed when adding a PRN medication for a care recipient

Anjelica avatar
Written by Anjelica
Updated over 6 months ago

Please note: The following feature is available as part of Birdie’s Starter, Core, Advanced, Plus, Care Management and Advanced Care Management packages (Also known as Care Management & Rostering, Care Management, Rostering & Finance, Premium, Entry and Essentials) Please get in touch if interested in more information on this feature!

When to use a PRN medication

Medicines with a PRN or ‘when required’ dose can be used to treat many different conditions, such as nausea, vomiting, pain, indigestion, anxiety or insomnia. People with long-term conditions may also use them alongside required medicines.

What is required for PRN medications and protocols?

In these instances, it is a CQC requirement to give additional information to care professionals. This could be information such as what symptoms to look out for and how much of the PRN should be administered in a given timeframe.

How to create a PRN protocol

Add the medication

Select the care recipient and click on the Medication tab in their profile. Use the Add Medication search bar to look for the PRN you would like to add.

Top tip: Type the medication name, do not copy and paste it.

Once you have selected the medication, select what support is needed and select PRN as the medication type. (if you need further help on creating a medication schedule for the first time, please see this article).

Add the Dose

Add the dose for this PRN medication, this can be a quantity such as 2 tablets or it can be a range.

Add the Route

Select the route of the administration, this will be either the recommended route (i.e. oral for paracetamol) or you can select another route option (i.e. in the case the pill needs to be crushed and administered via PEG tube).

Add the Time between doses

Select the shortest time between doses - I.e. 4 hours between doses.

Identify the maximum dose allowance during any given period. Say 4 total doses in 24 hours.

Reasons for the medication

Add the reasons why this PRN would need to be administered. This will allow you to associate it with a structured medical condition and then supplement it with free-text addition details - i.e. the dentist prescribed this for a toothache to be taken to manage the client’s pain.

When to give the medication

Circumstances when the medication should be administered, including specific symptoms to look out for and how the client would request to be given the PRN.

When to reassess the need for this PRN

Now you can add when you would need to liaise with the GP or prescriber. This could be In the case the medication isn’t helping as planned, there are side effects etc.

Body map

You now have the option to add a body map or any additional instructions on how to administer the PRN.

Once you are done, confirm the details before clicking ‘Yes, create schedule.’ You can also go back and edit an existing PRN medication and include this additional protocol information.

Once this is created, your care professional will be able to see this directly in the Birdie App!

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