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How to Update the Allocation on a Completed Visit
How to Update the Allocation on a Completed Visit

Use this article to see how to update or change the allocation on a previous visit.

Sabrina Treitz avatar
Written by Sabrina Treitz
Updated over 9 months ago

Please note: The following feature is available as part of Birdie’s Starter, Core, Advanced, Plus and Care Management packages (As well as Care Management & Rostering, Care Management, Rostering & Finance, Premium, Entry and Essentials) Please get in touch if interested in more information on this feature!

There may be instances where you notice a mistake on a completed visit, where the wrong care professional has been allocated to that visit for instance. You can easily update this within Birdie.

First, head to the Roster tab.

Then navigate to the appropriate date and start time for that visit, for example, 3 July at 14:00. You can use the date selector at the top of the rota screen.

Once you found that particular visit, you can click on it. This will pull up the Right Hand Side Bar with further details.

Then click Care Team. Here you will see who was allocated or assigned to that Visit. You will also be able to make any necessary updates.

If a care professional is assigned but needs to be changed or updated, click the three dots and select Remove from visit.

You will then see Carer required for this visit.

You will then need to click Find alternative which will pull up a new modal. Here, you will be able to search for the correct care professional, by scrolling or using the quick search bar at the top.

Click on the correct care professional and click Allocate once happy.

You will now see that this person is assigned to the visit and will appear as 'green' on the rota screen, indicating it has been fulfilled as planned, and the actuals for the visit will be retained through this action.

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