Please note: Birdie Raw Data is offered as a separate professional service from Birdie. Please get in touch if interested in more information on this feature!
Birdie Raw Data provides you with flat tables that can be seamlessly imported into your own Business Intelligence tool.
Data points available in Birdie
All times are in UTC unless otherwise stated below.
Table Name | Column Name | Description |
ACTIONS | ASSIGNEE_ID | User to whom the action was assigned. |
ACTIONS | BRANCH_ID | ID of the branch where the action has been logged. |
ACTIONS | CREATED_AT | When the action was first created. |
ACTIONS | CREATED_BY | User who first created the action. |
ACTIONS | DESCRIPTION | Description of the action. |
ACTIONS | DUE_DATE | Due date of the action. |
ACTIONS | ID | Identifier for the specific action. |
ACTIONS | IS_ARCHIVED | Flag indicating if the action is archived. |
ACTIONS | RELATIONS | Categorical details of the note, e.g. the client it is linked to. |
ACTIONS | STATUS | Status of the action |
ACTIONS | TITLE | Title of the action. |
ACTIONS | UPDATED_AT | When the action was updated. |
ACTIONS | UPDATED_BY | User who updated the action. |
ACTIONS | VERSION | Version of the action, starting at 1 for the event where the action is created. |
ACTIONS_TO_CAREGIVER_MAPPING | CAREGIVER_ID | The ID of the caregiver linked to the action. |
ACTIONS_TO_CLIENT_MAPPING | CLIENT_ID | The ID of the client linked to the action. |
ACTIONS_TO_TAGS_MAPPING | TAG_ID | The ID of the tag linked to the action. |
ACTIONS_TO_TAGS_MAPPING | TAG_NAME | The name of the tag linked to the action. |
ALERTS | ALERT_EVENT_TYPE | Type of event responsible for generating alert. |
ALERTS | ALERT_ID | Unique ID assigned to each unique alert. |
ALERTS | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
ALERTS | CAREGIVER_ID | ID for caregiver who was responsible for raising the alert. |
ALERTS | CLIENT_ID | ID for the client who is the subject of the alert. |
ALERTS | FIRST_QUALIFIED_AT | Timestamp for when alert was first qualified. |
ALERTS | FIRST_QUALIFIED_OR_RESOLVED_AT | Timestamp for when alert was first resolved or qualified. |
ALERTS | FIRST_RESOLVED_AT | Timestamp for when alert was first resolved. |
ALERTS | HOURS_TO_QUALIFY | Number of hours taken to qualify alert. |
ALERTS | HOURS_TO_RESOLVE | Number of hours take to resolve. |
ALERTS | IS_QUALIFIED | Alert was categorised or had a comment made against it. |
ALERTS | IS_RESOLVED | Alert was resolved. |
ALERTS | RAISED_AT | Timestamp for when alert was raised. |
ALERTS | RAISED_DATE | Date alert was raised. |
ALERTS | SEVERITY | Severity of alert as inputted in agency hub. Either low, medium or high. |
ALERTS | VISIT_ID | ID for visit that alert was raised in relation to. |
ALERT_COMMENTS | ALERT_ID | Unique id assigned to each unique alert. |
ALERT_COMMENTS | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
ALERT_COMMENTS | ALERT_COMMENT | Free text comment added to the alert. |
ALERT_COMMENTS | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp the comment was added to the alert. |
ALERT_COMMENTS | USER_ID | The ID of the user who added the comment to the alert. Note that comments may be auto-generated, e.g. if a late check-in alert was created and then later the caregiver was able to submit a check-in. In this case, the ID of the caregiver who has now checked in is provided. |
ASSESSMENTS | ADDED_AT | Date at which the assessment was added to the client's care record (left blank if hasn't been deliberately added). |
ASSESSMENTS | ADDED_BY | Who added assessment to client's care record. |
ASSESSMENTS | ASSESSMENT_CATEGORY | Whether the assessment is initial (8 assessments with the word 'needs' in the original assessment type name) or additional. |
ASSESSMENTS | ASSESSMENT_TYPE | Type of assessment. |
ASSESSMENTS | BRANCH_ID | ID of the branch responsible for the client. |
ASSESSMENTS | CLIENT_ID | ID of the client for whom the assessment is completed. |
ASSESSMENTS | COMPLETED_ASSESSMENT_COUNT | Count of the number of times an assessment of this type has been completed for the client. |
ASSESSMENTS | DAYS_TO_COMPLETE_COUNT | Days between when the assessment was added (for branches with care plan configuration), started (for added assessments at other branches) or the client was created (for initial assessments) to a client's care plan and when it was first completed. |
ASSESSMENTS | FIRST_COMPLETED_AT | The first date an assessment of this type was completed for this client (assessments can be created multiple times, e.g. as reviews - this captures the first one). |
ASSESSMENTS | FIRST_CREATED_AT | The first date an assessment of this type was created for this client (assessments can be created multiple times, e.g. as reviews - this captures the first one). |
ASSESSMENTS | IGNORED_AT | Timestamp of when the assessment was ignored as a recommendation. |
ASSESSMENTS | IS_ADDED_THEN_COMPLETED | Yes/no flag indicating if the assessment was added before being completed for the first time. |
ASSESSMENTS | IS_COMPLETED_WITHIN_FOURTEEN_DAYS | Yes/no flag indicating whether or not the assessment was completed within 14 days of being added to the care plan, when the assessment was added before being completed. |
ASSESSMENTS | MOST_RECENT_COMPLETED_AT | The most recent completion date of an assessment of this type for this client. |
ASSESSMENTS | MOST_RECENT_COMPLETED_BY | ID of the user who most recently completed the assessment. |
ASSESSMENTS | MOST_RECENT_COMPLETED_BY_USER_NAME | User name of the user who most recently completed the assessment. |
ASSESSMENTS | WAS_ADDED_FROM_RECOMMENDATION | Flag if assessment was added from a recommendation. Note when this flag is '1' yet 'added_at' is null, the assessment was added from a recommendation but has since been deleted. |
ASSESSMENTS_IGNORED | ASSESSMENT_TYPE | Type of assessment, capitalised an with underscores removed. |
ASSESSMENTS_IGNORED | ASSESSMENT_TYPE_SOURCE | Original assessment_type with no formatting applied. |
ASSESSMENTS_IGNORED | BRANCH_ID | ID of branch for the care recipient. |
ASSESSMENTS_IGNORED | CLIENT_ASSESSMENT_TYPE_ID | Concatenation of client_id and assessment_type used for joining. |
ASSESSMENTS_IGNORED | CLIENT_ID | ID of the client for whom the assessment is completed. |
ASSESSMENTS_IGNORED | IGNORED_AT | Timestamp of when the assessment was rejected. |
ASSESSMENTS_IGNORED | IGNORED_BY | User ID of the individual who rejected the assessment. |
ASSESSMENTS_IGNORED | IGNORED_BY_USER_NAME | User name of the individual who rejected the assessment. |
ASSESSMENTS_IGNORED | REASON_IGNORED | Reason provided for why the assessment was rejected. |
BRANCHES | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
BRANCHES | NAME | The name of the care location. |
CAREGIVERS_ONBOARDING_DOCUMENTS | BRANCH_ID | ID of the agency from the Birdie backend. |
CAREGIVERS_ONBOARDING_DOCUMENTS | CREATED_AT | Timestamp of when the document was first created. |
CAREGIVERS_ONBOARDING_DOCUMENTS | CREATED_BY | ID of the user who created the document. |
CAREGIVERS_ONBOARDING_DOCUMENTS | DELETED_AT | Timestamp when the document was deleted. Null if the document has not been deleted. |
CAREGIVERS_ONBOARDING_DOCUMENTS | DOCUMENT_CATEGORY | Category of document, for documents uploaded in the 'Additional documents' section |
CAREGIVERS_ONBOARDING_DOCUMENTS | DOCUMENT_TYPE | Type of document, for documents uploaded in the 'Employment' section. |
CAREGIVERS_ONBOARDING_DOCUMENTS | EXPIRES_AT | When the document expires, if defined. |
CAREGIVERS_ONBOARDING_DOCUMENTS | UPDATED_AT | Timestamp of when the document details were most recently updated. |
CAREGIVERS_ONBOARDING_DOCUMENTS | UPDATED_BY | ID of the user who most recently updated the document details. |
CAREGIVERS_ONBOARDING_DOCUMENTS | UPLOADED_AT | Timestamp when the document file was most recently uploaded. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | ADDITIONAL_PHONE_NUMBER | The additional phone number of the caregiver. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | CREATED_AT | When the record was created. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | CREATED_BY | Who created the record. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | DATE_OF_BIRTH | The date of birth of the caregiver. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | GENDER | The gender of the caregiver. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | HIGHLIGHTS | Highlights of the caregiver. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | MIDDLE_NAME | The middle name of the caregiver. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | PERSONAL_TITLE | The title of the caregiver. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | PREFERRED_CONTACT_METHOD | The preferred method of contact. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | PREFERRED_NAME | The preferred name of the caregiver. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | PRONOUNS | The pronouns of the caregiver. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | TERMINATION_DATE | The date the caregiver was terminated. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | TERMINATION_NOTE | Any notes about the termination. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | TERMINATION_REASON_DISMISSED | The reasons the caregiver was dismissed. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | TERMINATION_REASON_RESIGNED | The reasons the caregiver resigned. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | TERMINATION_TYPE | The type of termination (resigned/dismissed). |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | UPDATED_AT | When the record was last updated. |
CAREGIVERS_PROFILES | UPDATED_BY | Who last updated the record. |
CAREGIVER_ABSENCES | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
CAREGIVER_ABSENCES | CANCELLED_AT | Time at which the absence was cancelled. |
CAREGIVER_ABSENCES | CANCELLED_BY | User who cancelled the absence in Birdie. |
CAREGIVER_ABSENCES | CREATED_AT | Time at which the absence was created. |
CAREGIVER_ABSENCES | CREATED_BY | User who created the absence in Birdie. |
CAREGIVER_ABSENCES | END_AT | End of requested absence. |
CAREGIVER_ABSENCES | IS_CANCELLED | Flag indicating if the absence has been cancelled. |
CAREGIVER_ABSENCES | REASON | Free text field with reason for absence. |
CAREGIVER_ABSENCES | START_AT | Start of requested absence. |
CAREGIVER_ABSENCES | TYPE | Type of absence. |
CAREGIVER_AVAILABILITY_INSTANCES_CANCELLED | AVAILABILITY_INSTANCE_ENDED_AT | Timestamp of the end of the cancelled availability instance. |
CAREGIVER_AVAILABILITY_INSTANCES_CANCELLED | AVAILABILITY_INSTANCE_STARTED_AT | Timestamp of the start of the cancelled availability instance. |
CAREGIVER_AVAILABILITY_INSTANCES_CANCELLED | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
CAREGIVER_AVAILABILITY_INSTANCES_CANCELLED | CAREGIVER_AVAILABILITY_SCHEDULE_ID | ID of the caregiver availability schedule of which the instance is a part. |
CAREGIVER_AVAILABILITY_SCHEDULE | AVAILABILITY_ENDS_AT | Timestamp of the end of the first availability instance. |
CAREGIVER_AVAILABILITY_SCHEDULE | AVAILABILITY_STARTS_AT | Timestamp of the start of the first availability instance. |
CAREGIVER_AVAILABILITY_SCHEDULE | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
CAREGIVER_AVAILABILITY_SCHEDULE | FREQUENCY | How often the schedule repeats, e.g. daily or weekly |
CAREGIVER_AVAILABILITY_SCHEDULE | INTERVAL | The number of weeks between the schedule repeating. E.g. if 1 is weekly, if 2 is fortnightly. |
CAREGIVER_AVAILABILITY_SCHEDULE | RECURRENCE_DETAIL | The days of the week on which the schedule repeats. If the frequency is daily, then null. |
CAREGIVER_AVAILABILITY_SCHEDULE | SCHEDULE_STOPPED_AT | Timestamp when the availability schedule is stopped. |
CAREGIVER_CAPACITY | BRANCH_ID | ID of the agency from the Birdie backend. |
CAREGIVER_CAPACITY | CAREGIVER_NAME | Name of the caregiver. |
CAREGIVER_CAPACITY | DATE_TIME | Timestamp in 15 minute increments for the two weeks from next Monday. |
CAREGIVER_CAPACITY | HAS_ABSENCE_BOOKED | Flag indicating if the caregiver has a booked absence beginning on or before the date_time and ending after the date_time. |
CAREGIVER_CAPACITY | HAS_AVAILABILITY_SLOT | Flag indicating if the caregiver has provided availability beginning on or before the date_time and ending after the date_time. |
CAREGIVER_CAPACITY | HAS_SCHEDULED_VISIT | Flag indicating if the caregiver has a scheduled visit (or a canceleld visit marked 'should charge' or 'should pay') beginning on or before the date_time and ending after the date_time. |
CAREGIVER_CAPACITY | IS_AVAILABLE | Flag indicating if the carer is available. True if has_availability_slot = TRUE, has_scheduled_visit = FALSE and has_absence_booked = FALSE. |
CAREGIVER_CAPACITY | WEEKS_AVAILABLE_IN_SLOT | Count of the weeks available for this caregiver at this agency at the same time period on the same day of the week. Maximum is 2. |
CAREGIVER_EMPLOYED_AND_SCHEDULED_HOURS | BRANCH_ID | ID of the branch in the Birdie backend. |
CAREGIVER_EMPLOYED_AND_SCHEDULED_HOURS | CONTRACTED_HOURS_QUANTITY | The carers current contracted hours per week. Null if not provided. |
CAREGIVER_EMPLOYED_AND_SCHEDULED_HOURS | PREFERRED_HOURS_MAXIMUM | The carers current preferred maximum hours per week. Null if not provided. |
CAREGIVER_EMPLOYED_AND_SCHEDULED_HOURS | PREFERRED_HOURS_MINIMUM | The carer's current preferred minimum hours per week. Null if not provided. |
CAREGIVER_EMPLOYED_AND_SCHEDULED_HOURS | TOTAL_HOURS_SCHEDULED | Total hours scheduled, or cancelled if marked 'should charge' or 'should pay'. |
CAREGIVER_EMPLOYED_AND_SCHEDULED_HOURS | WEEK_START | Start of the week for which hours scheduled hours are calculated. |
CAREGIVER_TO_RATE_CARD_MAPPING | BRANCH_ID | ID of the branch to which the caregiver is linked. |
CAREGIVER_TO_RATE_CARD_MAPPING | CAREGIVER_ID | ID of the caregiver to whom the rate card is assigned. |
CAREGIVER_TO_RATE_CARD_MAPPING | RATE_CARD_ID | ID of the pay rate card assigned to the caregiver. |
CAREGIVER_TO_RATE_CARD_MAPPING | TRAVEL_RATE_CARD_ID | ID of the travel rate card assigned to the caregiver. Will be '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' if no travel rate card assignment. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | AUDITED_INVOICE_END_AT | Invoiced end data and time of the visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | AUDITED_INVOICE_START_AT | Invoiced start date and time of the visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | AUDITED_PAY_END_AT | Payroll end date and time of the visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | AUDITED_PAY_START_AT | Payroll start date and time of the visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | CAREGIVER_ID | Identifier for caregiver attending / scheduled to attend visit. Maps to `users` model. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | CARE_HOURS_INVOICED | Total number of hours invoiced for the caregiver's visit. This is based on the latest generated active invoice associated with the caregiver visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | CARE_HOURS_INVOICED_AMOUNT | Ex-vat total value of care hours invoiced for the caregiver's visit. This is based on the latest generated active invoice associated with the caregiver visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | CARE_HOURS_PAID | Total number of care hours that caregiver was paid for. This is based on the latest (non-deleted) pay run associated with the caregiver's visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | CARE_HOURS_PAID_AMOUNT | Total pay value shared with caregiver for care hours delivered. This is based on the latest (non-deleted) pay run associated with the caregiver's visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | CHECKED_IN_AT | Date and time of caregiver checking in. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | CHECKED_OUT_AT | Date and time of caregiver checking out. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | CHECK_IN_METHOD | Describes technology used for secure check-in. Either One time passcode or Geo location or Standard. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | CHECK_IN_STATUS | Describes outcome of secure check-in. Either success, forced - caregiver location not available, forced - client location not available, forced - geo location outside check-in zone, forced - no OTP code entered, failed - incorrect OTP code. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | CHECK_OUT_METHOD | Describes technology used for secure check-out. Either One time passcode or Geo location or Standard. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | CHECK_OUT_STATUS | Describes outcome of secure check-out. Either success, forced - caregiver location not available, forced - client location not available, forced - geo location outside check-in zone, forced - no OTP code entered, failed - incorrect OTP code. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | CLIENT_ID | Identifier for client visited by caregiver. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | HAS_MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_INVOICES | True/false flag indicating if there are multiple active invoices associated with the caregiver visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | HAS_MULTIPLE_ACTIVE_PAYRUNS | True/false flag indicating if there are multiple active (non-deleted) pay runs associated with the caregiver's visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | HOURS_BETWEEN_VISITS | Amount of paid and unpaid hours of travel from the previous visit to this visit, excluding commuting time. Visits from before 26/03/22 have commuting time travel added to the between_visits travel time. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | HOURS_BETWEEN_VISITS_PAID_AMOUNT | Value paid based on hours of travel from the previous visit to this visit, excluding commuting time |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | HOURS_COMMUTED | Amount of paid and unpaid hours travelled between the caregiver's residence and the visit or the visit and the caregiver's residence. Visits from before 26/03/22 have no commuting time as it is included in the between_visits travel time. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | HOURS_COMMUTED_PAID_AMOUNT | Amount paid based on hours travelled between the caregiver's residence and the visit or the visit and the caregiver's residence. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | HOURS_WAITING | Amount of paid and unpaid hours waiting between visits. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | HOURS_WAITING_PAID_AMOUNT | Amount paid based on hours waiting between visits. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | INTERACTION_TYPE | Captures the role of caregiver for a specific visit - "care_delivery" indicates that the individual is responsible for administering medications and care tasks; "shadowing", "introduction" and "supervision" are examples of non-care delivery roles. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | INVOICE_CONFIRMED_BY | ID of the user who confirmed the visit for invoicing. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | INVOICE_DELETED | True/false flag indicating that the associated invoice for this caregiver visit has been deleted. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | INVOICE_ID | Identifier for the invoice of the caregiver's visit - maps to `invoices` model. Based on the latest generated active invoice associated with the caregiver visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | IS_CONFIRMED_FOR_INVOICING | True/false flag indicating if visit has been confirmed for invoicing in the Agency Hub's Finance tab. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | IS_CONFIRMED_FOR_PAYROLL | Flag indicating if the caregiver visit has been confirmed for payroll. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | MILES_BETWEEN_VISITS | Amount of paid and unpaid miles of travel from the previous visit to this visit, excluding commuting time. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | MILES_BETWEEN_VISITS_PAID_AMOUNT | Value paid based on miles of travel from the previous visit to this visit, excluding commuting time. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | MILES_COMMUTED | Amount of paid and unpaid miles travelled between the caregiver's residence and the visit or the visit and the caregiver's residence. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | MILES_COMMUTED_PAID_AMOUNT | Amount paid based on miles travelled between the caregiver's residence and the visit or the visit and the caregiver's residence. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | PAYRUN_DELETED | True/false flag indicating that the associated pay run for this caregiver visit has been deleted. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | PAYRUN_ID | Identifier for the payrun of the caregiver's visit - maps to `payruns` model. Based on the latest (non-deleted) pay run associated with the caregiver's visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | PAY_RATE_CARD_ID | Pay rate card ID for visit. This is based on a rate card override if available (either at a visit schedule or booking level - the booking level takes precedence if both are overridden). If an override is not available, the pay rate card ID is based on the caregiver's default pay rate card at the creation time of the payrun for this visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | PURCHASE_ORDER_ID | Purchase order ID set either in the visit schedule or updated when invoicing the visit. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | RECORD_UPDATED_AT | Date and time that record was updated. |
CAREGIVER_VISITS | VISIT_ID | Identifier for visit caregiver is attending / scheduled to attend. |
CARE_SCHEDULES | ACTIVE_FROM | Timestamp from which the care task schedule is active. |
CARE_SCHEDULES | ACTIVE_UNTIL | Timestamp until which the care task schedule is active. If null task is scheduled to continue indefinitely. |
CARE_SCHEDULES | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
CARE_SCHEDULES | CLIENT_ID | ID for care recipient who is subject of the task. |
CARE_SCHEDULES | CREATED_AT | Date and time schedule was created. Note that this isn't necessarily the time that scheduled starts - can be later, see `active_from`. |
CARE_SCHEDULES | NOTE_CHAR_LENGTH | Length of note accompanying task schedule. |
CARE_SCHEDULES | TASK_CATEGORY | Category of task scheduled. |
CARE_SCHEDULES | TASK_DESCRIPTION | Description of task scheduled. |
CARE_SCHEDULES | TASK_SCHEDULE_ID | Unique ID for task schedules. |
CARE_SCHEDULES | UPDATED_AT | Date and time schedule was last updated. This is changed in four scenarios. 1) When the schedule is created. 2) If the schedule is deleted. 3) If the schedule is edited, in this case the other fields of the record reflect the original state before being updated - a new record is created to reflect the new state. 4) If the schedule is stopped - note that the tasks could be scheduled to stop at a later date - see `active_until` for the time when schedule stops being applied. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | ALLOCATED_TO_VISIT_ID | ID for visit which task was allocated to using the visit planning system. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | CLIENT_ID | ID for client who was the subject of the task. Maps to `clients` table. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | COMPLETED_AT | Exact date and time task was completed. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | COMPLETED_BY_CAREGIVER_ID | ID for caregiver that completed the task. Maps to `users` table. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | COMPLETED_DURING_VISIT_ID | ID for visit that task was completed during. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | IS_ANYTIME_TASK | True/false flag indicating if task doesn't have a specific time during the day when it should be completed. In the source data this shows as a `scheduled_at` time equal to midnight ('00:00:00'). |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | OBSERVATION_EVENT_ID | Unique event ID for the completion of the task. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | RECORD_DELETED | True/false flag indicating that record has now been deleted and should be removed from downstream destinations. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | RECORD_UPDATED_AT | Date and time when record was generated/updated. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | SCHEDULED_AT | Exact date and time task was scheduled for. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | SCHEDULED_SESSION | Session task was scheduled for (e.g. morning, lunch, afternoon, evening). For 'anytime' tasks the scheduled sessions is null. Start and end times for sessions are defined in `scheduling_session` model. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | TASK_INSTANCE_ID | Unique id generated by Birdie API. |
CARE_TASK_INSTANCES | TASK_SCHEDULE_ID | ID of schedule which generated the task instance. Maps to `care_schedules` table. |
CLIENTS | ADDRESS | Client address recorded in agency hub. |
CLIENTS | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
CLIENTS | CLIENT_ID | The unique identifier for each individual receiving care services. |
CLIENTS | CLIENT_NAME | Client's first and last name. |
CLIENTS | COVID_1ST_VACCINATION | The type of vaccination administered for client's first COVID-19 vaccination. Taken from their latest completed COVID-19 assessment. |
CLIENTS | COVID_1ST_VACCINATION_DATE | The date of client's first COVID-19 vaccination. Taken from their latest completed COVID-19 assessment. |
CLIENTS | COVID_2ND_VACCINATION | The type of vaccination administered for client's second COVID-19 vaccination. Taken from their latest completed COVID-19 assessment. |
CLIENTS | COVID_2ND_VACCINATION_DATE | The date of client's second COVID-19 vaccination. Taken from their latest completed COVID-19 assessment. |
CLIENTS | COVID_BOOSTER_VACCINATION | The type of vaccination administered for client's first booster COVID-19 vaccination. Taken from their latest completed COVID-19 assessment. |
CLIENTS | COVID_BOOSTER_VACCINATION_DATE | The date of client's first booster COVID-19 vaccination. Taken from their latest completed COVID-19 assessment. |
CLIENTS | COVID_CONFIRMED_DIAGNOSIS | True/false flag indicating if the client currently has had a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis. Taken from their latest completed COVID-19 assessment. |
CLIENTS | COVID_SELF_ISOLATING | True/false flag indicating if the client is currently self isolating. |
CLIENTS | CREATED_AT | Date of record's insertion into the database. |
CLIENTS | DATE_OF_BIRTH | Client date of birth recorded in agency hub. |
CLIENTS | Client email recorded in agency hub. | |
CLIENTS | FAMILY_MEMBERS_ADDED | Count of family members who have been added to the clients Care Circle. |
CLIENTS | FAMILY_MEMBERS_INVITED | Count of family members who have received an invitation to download the Birdie app. |
CLIENTS | FAMILY_MEMBERS_INVITED_BUT_NEVER_LOGGED_IN | Count of family members who have received an invitation to download the Birdie app but have never logged in. |
CLIENTS | FAMILY_MEMBERS_WHO_HAVE_LOGGED_IN | Count of family members who have have logged in to the Birdie app at least once. |
CLIENTS | FAMILY_MEMBERS_WHO_HAVE_LOGGED_IN_IN_LAST_30_DAYS | Count of family members who have logged in to the Birdie app in the last 30 days. |
CLIENTS | FIRST_ACTIVATED_AT | First date that the client was activated. |
CLIENTS | FIRST_NAME | Client's first name. |
CLIENTS | GENDER | Client gender recorded in agency hub. |
CLIENTS | IS_ACTIVATED | True/false flag indicating that Client is currently activated in the Birdie agency hub. |
CLIENTS | IS_DEMO_CLIENT | This flag is used for identifying demo, test and otherwise non-real clients. Based on the name of the client - for example if their first or last name is equal to 'Test'. |
CLIENTS | IS_RECEIVING_REGULATED_CARE | True/false flag indicating if client is receiving care that is regulated by the CQC. |
CLIENTS | LAST_NAME | Client's family name. |
CLIENTS | MAX_DAYS_SINCE_ANY_ASSESSMENT_COMPLETED | The days between when the least-recently completed or reviewed assessment and the current date. |
CLIENTS | OTHER_PHONE_NUMBER | Client 'other' phone number recorded in agency hub. |
CLIENTS | PERMANENTLY_DEACTIVATED_AT | Latest date that the client was permanently deactivated. |
CLIENTS | PERMANENTLY_DEACTIVATED_REASON | Latest reason why the client was deactivated. |
CLIENTS | CLIENTS/PERMANENTLY_DEACTIVATED_REASON_DETAILS | Latest reason details why the client was deactivated. |
CLIENTS | CLIENTS/PERMANENTLY_DEACTIVATED_NOTE | Latest note why the client was deactivated. |
CLIENTS | IS_MEDICATION_SUPPORT_PROVIDED | Flag indicating whether or not the client receives medication support from the care provider. |
CLIENTS | PHONE_NUMBER | Client phone number recorded in agency hub. |
CLIENTS | POSTCODE | Client postcode. This is extracted from their address, which is not always possible - for example if the postcode is missing or if it's incorrectly formatted. |
CLIENTS | RISK_LEVEL | Red/amber/green status of client. |
CLIENTS | RISK_LEVEL_DETAIL | Reason for the risk level assigned to the client. |
CLIENTS | HAS_LOCAL_AUTHORITY_FUNDING | Flag indicating if the client receives local authority funding. This field is available in the 'Agency Admin' section of a client's profile. |
CLIENTS | HAS_NHS_FUNDING | Flag indicating if the client receives NHS funding. This field is available in the 'Agency Admin' section of a client's profile. |
CLIENTS | HAS_PRIVATE_FUNDING | Flag indicating if the client receives private funding. This field is available in the 'Agency Admin' section of a client's profile. |
CLIENTS | HAS_OTHER_FUNDING | Flag indicating if the client receives other funding. This field is available in the 'Agency Admin' section of a client's profile. |
CLIENTS | OTHER_FUNDING_NOTE | Free-text field to further describe 'Other' funding type. This field is available in the 'Agency Admin' section of a client's profile. |
CLIENTS | SERVICE_START_DATE | Service start date given by care agency. |
CLIENTS | UPDATED_AT | Date of record's update into the database. |
CLIENT_ACTIVATION_HISTORY | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
CLIENT_ACTIVATION_HISTORY | CLIENT_ID | The client ID - the unique identifier for each individual receiving care services, tied to the ID in the residents table. |
CLIENT_ACTIVATION_HISTORY | IS_ACTIVATED | This flag is used for identifying activated users. |
CLIENT_ACTIVATION_HISTORY | REASON | The reason from which this is_activated became true/false. |
CLIENT_ACTIVATION_HISTORY | VALID_FROM | The timestamp from which this is_activated became true/false. |
CLIENT_ACTIVATION_HISTORY | VALID_TO | The timestamp at which this is_activated became outdated. 9999-12-31 23:59:59 if present. |
CLIENT_OBSERVATIONS | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
CLIENT_OBSERVATIONS | CAREGIVER_ID | ID for carer making observation. |
CLIENT_OBSERVATIONS | OBSERVATION_DETAIL | Additional information about the observation. |
CLIENT_OBSERVATIONS | OBSERVATION_NOTE | Note made by carer when making the observation. Note this often contains PII. |
CLIENT_OBSERVATIONS | OBSERVATION_TYPE | The event type that occurred. |
CLIENT_OBSERVATIONS | OBSERVED_AT | Timestamp for when observation was recorded. |
CLIENT_OBSERVATIONS | VISIT_ID | Corresponding visit_id for event. |
CLIENT_RISK_LEVEL_UPDATES | LATEST_RISK_LEVEL | Latest value of risk level. If the risk level was updated, the new value will appear here. If only the reason was updated, then the latest value of the risk level will appear. When the risk level and reason are cleared, this field and the reason field will be set to 'cleared'. |
CLIENT_RISK_LEVEL_UPDATES | PREVIOUS_RISK_LEVEL | Client risk level before it was last updated. |
CLIENT_RISK_LEVEL_UPDATES | REASON | Reason why risk level was updated. |
CLIENT_RISK_LEVEL_UPDATES | UPDATED_AT | Timestamp for when the risk level was updated. |
CLIENT_RISK_LEVEL_UPDATES | UPDATE_TYPE | Type of update that was performed - only the risk level, only the reason, both or cleared both. |
CLIENT_RISK_LEVEL_UPDATES | USER_ID | ID for user who updated the client's status. |
CLIENT_WATERLOW_SCORE_UPDATES | ANSWERED_BY | ID for user who updated the client's status. |
CLIENT_WATERLOW_SCORE_UPDATES | BRANCH_ID | ID of the branch, taken from the Birdie platform. |
CLIENT_WATERLOW_SCORE_UPDATES | CREATED_AT | Timestamp of when the Waterlow score was created. |
CLIENT_WATERLOW_SCORE_UPDATES | DAYS_SINCE_PREVIOUS_SCORE | Days since previous Waterlow score was recorded |
CLIENT_WATERLOW_SCORE_UPDATES | IS_LATEST | If row is the most recent record. |
CLIENT_WATERLOW_SCORE_UPDATES | PREVIOUS_CREATED_AT | Timestamp of when the previous Waterlow score was created |
CLIENT_WATERLOW_SCORE_UPDATES | PREVIOUS_WATERLOW_SCORE | The previous Waterlow score of the client before the most recent |
CLIENT_WATERLOW_SCORE_UPDATES | WATERLOW_SCORE | The most recent Waterlow score of the client |
CONCERNS | ACTIONS_TAKEN | Notes about what actions were taken. |
CONCERNS | AFTER_CONCERN_NOTE | Notes about what as happening after the concern occurred. |
CONCERNS | ALERT_ID | ID of alert raised for concern. |
CONCERNS | BEFORE_CONCERN_NOTE | Notes about what as happening before the concern occurred. |
CONCERNS | BODY_SITES | Details of body maps, where logged for concern. |
CONCERNS | BRANCH_ID | ID of the agency from the Birdie backend. |
CONCERNS | CLIENT_ID | ID of care recipient for whom the concern was raised. |
CONCERNS | CONCERN_CATEGORY | Type of concern raised. |
CONCERNS | CONCERN_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION | If "other" is selected for concern_category this is a free text field where user can give a description of what they meant by "other". |
CONCERNS | CONCERN_ID | Unique identifier for the concern. |
CONCERNS | CONCERN_TIMESTAMP | When the concern occurred, as manually reported by the user. Distinct from the timestamp field which when the event was logged in Birdie. |
CONCERNS | CONCERN_TYPE | The type of concern raised. |
CONCERNS | CONCERN_TYPE_DESCRIPTION | If "other" is selected for concern_type this is a free text field where user can give a description of what they meant by "other". |
CONCERNS | LOCATION_DESCRIPTION | Where the concern occurred, free text containing things like "in the kitchen". |
CONCERNS | NOTE | Details of the concern as provided in text format by the caregiver who raised it. |
CONCERNS | OTHER_INDIVIDUALS_INVOLVED | A free text box to capture any other individuals that may have been involved (family members, neighbors, pets and such). |
CONCERNS | PRIVACY | Privacy level of concern. |
CONCERNS | SEVERITY | Severity of concern when first raised. |
CONCERNS | TIMESTAMP | When the concern was raised. |
CONCERNS | VISIT_ID | ID of visit where concern raised. |
CONTRACTS | BRANCH_ID | Agency the contract is for. |
CONTRACTS | CANCELLED_AT | Timestamp of when the contract was cancelled. Null if the contract is active. |
CONTRACTS | CONTRACT_ID | Unique ID for the contract. |
CONTRACTS | CONTRACT_NAME | Name of the contract. |
CONTRACTS | CREATED_AT | Timestamp of the event when the contract was created. |
CONTRACTS | INVOICE_CYCLE | RRULE for the invoice period of the contract. |
CONTRACTS | INVOICE_FORMAT | Formatting style for the invoice. |
CONTRACTS | INVOICE_GROUP | Frequency of the invoice, e.g. weekly or by calendar month. |
CONTRACTS | INVOICE_RATE_CARD_ID | Invoice rate card to be applied for the contract. |
CONTRACTS | PAYER_ID | ID of the payer for the contract. |
CONTRACTS | STATUS | Status of the invoice. |
CONTRACTS | UPDATED_AT | Timestamp of the most recent contract update. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | ALERTS_QUALIFIED_OR_RESOLVED | Number of alerts raised which have been qualified (i.e. a severity has been assigned) or resolved. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | ALERTS_RAISED | Number of alerts raised on `date` relating to client. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | ALERTS_RESOLVED_WITHIN_24_HOURS | Number of alerts which were resolved within 24 hours. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | CARE_OBSERVATIONS | Count of in-visit observations. Doesn't count general observations attached to visit as note. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | CARE_OBSERVATIONS_WITH_NOTES | Count of in-visit observations with a note added (of any length). Doesn't count general observations attached to visit as note. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | CARE_PLAN_TASK_SCHEDULES | Number of care tasks scheduled for client as at date. Note that schedule may have been created in the agency hub but become active for the client at a later date. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | CARE_PLAN_TASK_SCHEDULES_WITH_NOTES | Number of care tasks scheduled with notes for client on date. Notes are for guiding carer to provide more personalised care - a note of any length is included in this statistic. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | CLIENT_ID | Identifies client which metric results relate to. Maps to the residents table. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | DAYS_SINCE_CARE_PLAN_TASK_SCHEDULES_UPDATED | Number of days since any care task schedule was created, updated or deleted for client as at date. In the event client has no schedules created then this metric records the number of days since client's record was created in the Birdie system. Clients less than 30 days old are excluded from this metric. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | REPORTED_VISITS | Count of visits with a completed Birdie report for client on date. Note can include unscheduled visits. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | REPORTED_VISITS_WITH_NOTE | Count of reported visits including a general note attached to the visit report. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | SCHEDULED_MEDICATION_TASKS | Count of medication tasks scheduled for that day and CR. Excludes medication tasks where the agency is not responsible. Also excludes clients created in the past two weeks. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | SCHEDULED_MEDICATION_TASKS_COMPLETED | Count of scheduled medication tasks where a medication outcome was filled in - i.e. an outcome other than 'No Medication Observation Recieved' or medication is self administered. Excludes medication tasks scheduled on days where client has no visit scheduled. Also excludes clients created in the past two weeks. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | SCHEDULED_TASKS | Count of care tasks scheduled for client. Excludes tasks scheduled on days where client has no visit scheduled. Also excludes clients created in the past two weeks. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | SCHEDULED_TASKS_COMPLETED | Count of scheduled care tasks which were completed for client. Excludes tasks scheduled on days where client has no visit scheduled. Also excludes clients created in the past two weeks. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | SCHEDULED_VISITS | Count of visits scheduled for client on date. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | SCHEDULED_VISITS_REPORTED | Count of scheduled visits which have a completed Birdie report for client on date. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | TOTAL_HOURS_TO_QUALIFY_OR_RESOLVE | Total time take to qualify or resolve alerts all alerts raised on date for client. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | VISITS_LASTING_75PC_OF_SCHEDULED_DURATION | Count of visits lasting at least 75% of the scheduled duration. For example a visit scheduled for 60 minutes would need to last at least 45 minutes to qualify. |
DAILY_CLIENT_QUALITY_SCORE_METRICS | VISITS_STARTING_WITHIN_15MINS_OF_SCHEDULE | Count of scheduled visits where carer checked in within plus or minus 15 minutes of scheduled start. |
GROUPS | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
GROUPS | GROUP_ID | Unique ID for group. |
GROUPS | NAME | Name of group. |
GROUPS_TO_CAREGIVERS_MAPPING | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
GROUPS_TO_CLIENTS_MAPPING | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
GROUPS_TO_CLIENTS_MAPPING | CLIENT_ID | ID of client in group. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | AVERAGE_PAY_PER_HOUR | Total pay divided by total hours. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | BRANCH_ID | ID of the agency to which the data pertains. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | CAREGIVER_ID | ID of the caregiver. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | COUNT_WORKING_DAYS | Count of days worked in the week. Note overnight visits are only counted towards the date of the visit start. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | CUMULATIVE_ACCRUED_HOLIDAY_HOURS | Cumulative worked hours * 12.07%. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | CUMULATIVE_HOLIDAY_BALANCE_HOURS | Cumulative accrued less cumulative taken holiday hours (and if applicable) plus manually adjusted. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | CUMULATIVE_TAKEN_HOLIDAY_HOURS | Sum of the holiday horus taken since the beginning of the holiday year, including those in the current week. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | CUMULATIVE_WORKED_HOURS | Sum of hours worked since the start of the start of the holiday year. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | END_OF_HOLIDAY_YEAR | End date of the holiday year. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | FUTURE_BOOKED_HOLIDAY_DAYS | Number of holiday days booked between the end of the current week and the end of the holiday year. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | HOLIDAY_ACCUMULATED_HOURS | Total holiday hours accumulated in the week, calculated as total_hours * 12.07%. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | HOLIDAY_YEAR | Holiday year to which this holiday day is a part. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | IS_WORKING_WEEK | Flag indicating if the carer has > 0 working days in the week. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | MIGRATED_OR_CALCULATED_HOLIDAY_HOURS | If historical holiday, the number of hours defined by client-provided data. Otherwise, rolling_avg_hours_per_day multipled by proportional_days_of_holiday. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | MIGRATED_OR_CALCULATED_HOLIDAY_PAY | Amount paid for holiday in that week, calculated as rolling_avg_pay_per_day multiplied by proportional_days_of_holiday. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | PAYMENT_WEEK_END_DATE | End date of the week for the period covered by the row. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | PAYMENT_WEEK_START_DATE | Start date of the week for the period covered by the row. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | PROJECTED_FUTURE_BOOKABLE_HOLIDAY_HOURS | Weeks to end of holiday year * rolling average days per week * rolling average hours per day * 12.07%. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | PROJECTED_FUTURE_BOOKED_HOLIDAY_HOURS | Projected number of holiday hours booked between the end of the current week and the end of the holiday year, calculated by future_booked_holiday_days * rolling_avg_hours_per_day. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | PROJECTED_FUTURE_HOLIDAY_DAYS_TO_BOOK | Projected days of holiday to book before the end of the year, as calculated by projected_future_holiday_hours_to_book divided by rolling_avg_hours_per_day. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | PROJECTED_FUTURE_HOLIDAY_HOURS_TO_BOOK | Cumulative_holiday_balance_hours + projected_future_bookable_holiday_hours less projected_future_booked_holiday_hours. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | ROLLING_AVG_DAYS_PER_WEEK | Average of count_working_days over the previous 52 weeks where working_week_flag = 1 looking back no more than 104 weeks. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | ROLLING_AVG_HOURS_PER_DAY | Running total of total_hours divided by count_working_days over the previous 52 weeks where working_week_flag = 1 looking back no more than 104 weeks. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | ROLLING_AVG_PAY_PER_DAY | Running total of total_pay divided by count_working_days over the previous 52 weeks where working_week_flag = 1 looking back no more than 104 weeks. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | ROLLING_AVG_PAY_PER_HOUR | Running total of total_pay divided by total_hours over the previous 52 weeks where working_week_flag = 1 looking back no more than 104 weeks. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | STARTED_AT | The caregiver's employment start date. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | START_OF_HOLIDAY_YEAR | Start date of the holiday year for the carer. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | TOTAL_HOURS | Sum of contact, travel and waiting hours delivered that week, based on audited times for payroll. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | TOTAL_PAY | Sum of pay for contact, travel and waiting hours delivered that week, based on audited times for payroll. |
HOLIDAY_PAY | WEEKS_TO_END_OF_HOLIDAY_YEAR | Weeks between the payment_week_end_date and the end of the holiday year. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_DATA_ISSUES | BRANCH_ID | Branch ID from the Birdie interface to which the issue corresponds. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_DATA_ISSUES | ISSUE_DESCRIPTION | Description of the data issue. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_DATA_ISSUES | ISSUE_DETAILS | Extra details about the data issue. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_DATA_ISSUES | SOURCE_FILE | Name of the source file in the data migration SFTP site which the data issue corresponds to. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | BRANCH_ID | ID of the agency to which the data pertains. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | CAREGIVER_ID | ID of the caregiver. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | DATE | Date of the holiday taken. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | DAYS_OF_HOLIDAY_IN_PERIOD | Number of days requested in total for the holiday period in which this day is a part. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | HISTORICAL_HOLIDAY_DAILY_PAY | Holiday pay based on historical data provided by agency. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | HISTORICAL_HOLIDAY_HOURS | Holiday hours based on historical data provided by agency. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | HOLIDAY_YEAR | Holiday year to which this holiday day is a part. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | IS_HOLIDAY | Flag indicating if day is a holiday. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | MIGRATED_OR_CALCULATED_HOLIDAY_HOURS | If historical holiday, the number of hours defined by the agency-provided data. Otherwise, rolling_avg_hours_per_day multipled by proportional_days_of_holiday. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | MIGRATED_OR_CALCULATED_HOLIDAY_PAY | Rolling_avg_pay_per_day multiplied by proportional_days_of_holiday. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | PAYMENT_WEEK_START_DATE | Start date of the week in which the holiday was taken. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | PROPORTIONAL_DAYS_OF_HOLIDAY | If the holiday day was booked as part of a request that is less than 7 days in total, this is 1. Otherwise it is the rolling_avg_days_per_week / 7. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | ROLLING_AVG_DAYS_PER_WEEK | Average of count_working_days over the previous 52 weeks where working_week_flag = 1 looking back no more than 104 weeks. Taken from holiday_pay_accrued for the week in which this holiday day falls. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | ROLLING_AVG_HOURS_PER_DAY | Rolling average of total_hours divided by count_working_days over the previous 52 weeks where working_week_flag = 1 looking back no more than 104 weeks. Taken from holiday_pay_accrued for the week in which this holiday day falls. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | ROLLING_AVG_PAY_PER_DAY | Rolling average of total_pay divided by count_working_days over the previous 52 weeks where working_week_flag = 1 looking back no more than 104 weeks. Taken from holiday_pay_accrued for the week in which this holiday day falls. |
HOLIDAY_PAY_TAKEN | ROLLING_AVG_PAY_PER_HOUR | Rolling average of rolling average pay per day divided by rolling average hours per day. |
INBOX_RELATIONS | BRANCH_ID | ID of the branch where the relation has been logged |
INBOX_RELATIONS | CREATED_AT | When the relation was first created. |
INBOX_RELATIONS | CREATED_BY | User who first created the relation. |
INBOX_RELATIONS | PRIMARY_ENTITY_ID | The ID of the entity being linked to an action, for example a visit, alert or note. |
INBOX_RELATIONS | PRIMARY_ENTITY_TYPE | The type of entity being linked to an action, for example a visit, alert or note. |
INBOX_RELATIONS | RELATION_ID | Unique identifier for the specific relation. |
INBOX_RELATIONS | SECONDARY_ENTITY_ID | The ID of the secondary entity the primary entity is linked to. |
INBOX_RELATIONS | SECONDARY_ENTITY_TYPE | The type of the secondary entity, e.g. action. |
INVOICES | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
INVOICES | CONTRACT_ID | ID for contract associated with the invoice. |
INVOICES | INVOICE_FIRST_EMAILED_AT | Date and time when the invoice was first emailed to the bill payer. |
INVOICES | INVOICE_ID | Unique of for invoice. Primary key. |
INVOICES | INVOICE_NUMBER | Human readable identifier for the invoice. This is the number shown against the invoice in the agency hub. |
INVOICES | PAYER_ID | ID for payer of invoice. |
INVOICES | PERIOD_END | End data and time of period covered by invoice. |
INVOICES | PERIOD_START | Start date and time of period covered by invoice. |
INVOICES | STATUS | Current status of invoice, either 'active' or 'archived'. |
INVOICE_ADJUSTMENTS | ADJUSTMENT_TYPE | The category of invoice change, either 'Extra Charge' or 'Deduction'. |
INVOICE_ADJUSTMENTS | AMOUNT | Payment amount. Note this is positive for extra charges and negative for deductions. |
INVOICE_ADJUSTMENTS | BRANCH_ID | ID of the branch on the Birdie platform to whom the deduciton has been applied. |
INVOICE_ADJUSTMENTS | DESCRIPTION | Description of the invoice deduction (e.g. client contribution, discount). |
INVOICE_ADJUSTMENTS | INVOICE_ADJUSTMENT_ID | ID of the invoice adjustment - either deduction or extra charge ID. |
INVOICE_ITEMS | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
INVOICE_ITEMS | CAREGIVER_ID | ID for caregiver attending the invoiced visit. |
INVOICE_ITEMS | CLIENT_ID | ID for care recipient which line item has been invoiced for. |
INVOICE_ITEMS | INVOICED_FROM | Invoiced starting time of the visit |
INVOICE_ITEMS | INVOICED_TO | Invoiced end time of the visit |
INVOICE_ITEMS | INVOICE_ID | Unique ID for the invoice based on the filename. |
INVOICE_ITEMS | INVOICE_ITEM_ID | Primary key invoice line item. |
INVOICE_ITEMS | QUANTITY | Number of items invoiced for. |
INVOICE_ITEMS | RATE | Ex-vat rate at which items are invoiced. |
INVOICE_ITEMS | VALUE | Value of visit in GBP (ex-VAT). |
INVOICE_ITEMS | VISIT_ID | ID of the visit invoiced for. |
MEDICAL_HISTORY | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
MEDICAL_HISTORY | SELECTED_TERM | Name of the medical condition. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | ACTIVE_FROM | Date medication tasks start for care recipient. Extracted from DTSTART property of `rrule`. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | ACTIVE_UNTIL | Date and time medication tasks stop for care recipient. Extracted from UNTIL property of `rrule`. If null task is scheduled to continue indefintely. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | CLIENT_ID | ID for subject of medication schedule. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | CREATED_AT | Date and time schedule was created. Note that this isn't neccessarily the time that scheduled starts - can be later, see `active_from`. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | DOSE_QUANTITY | Quantity of medication. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | DOSE_RANGE_HIGH_VALUE | High end of the range of a possible dose. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | DOSE_RANGE_LOW_VALUE | Low end of the range of a possible dose. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | DOSE_SIZE | Amount of medication to be administered. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | DOSE_UNIT | Unit of medication (e.g. tablet). |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | HAS_BODY_SITES | Flag indicating if medication schedule includes body sites. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | IS_SELF_ADMINISTERED | Flag indicating if medication is to be self administered. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | MEDICATION_NAME | Medication name, sourced from ebdb.dmd_product. Should not be null. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | MEDICATION_PRODUCT_ID | Unique ID corresponding to a medication (e.g. 500mg Paracetamol). |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | MEDICATION_ROUTE | Describes how the medication is administered. For example, oral, nasal, inhalation, etc. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | MEDICATION_SCHEDULE_ID | Unique ID for medication schedule generated by Birdie backend. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | MEDICATION_TYPE | Indicates if medication type was scheduled, blister or PRN. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | PRN_TIMING | Minimum time between doses for PRN medication. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | SUPPORT_TYPE | Level of support required by care recipient. Example values include, prompt, assist & administer. |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | TIMING_TYPE | Type of timing, for scheduled and blister medications (e.g. exact time or time slot). |
MEDICATION_SCHEDULES | UPDATED_AT | Date and time schedule was last updated. This is changed in four scenarios. 1) When the schedule is created. 2) If the schedule is deleted. 3) If the schedule is edited, in this case the other fields of the record reflect the original state before being updated - a new record is created to reflect the new state. 4) If the schedule is stopped - note that the tasks could be scheduled to stop at a later date - see `active_until` for the time when schedule stops being applied. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | AGENCY_RESPONSIBLE | True/false Flag indicating whether or not the agency is responsible for administering the medication. An agency is not responsible if, for example, the client is self-administering or inactive or there is no visit at the time the medication is scheduled. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | ALLOCATED_TO_VISIT_ID | Identifier for visit which medication was planned to be administered during. Null if medication was not linked to a visit. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | CLIENT_ID | ID for client who was the subject of the medication task. Maps to `clients` table. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | COMPLETED_AT | Date and time last medication observation event was received. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | COMPLETED_BY_CAREGIVER_ID | ID for caregiver that completed the task. Maps to `users` table. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | COMPLETED_DURING_VISIT_ID | ID for visit which an observation for the medication was completed. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | EMAR_RESULT | Outcome of medication as recorded in Birdie's electronic medication administration record. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | MEDICATION_OBSERVATION_EVENT_ID | ID for observation event captured in the `api_events` table. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | MEDICATION_SCHEDULE_ID | ID of medication schedule which generated the task instance. Maps to `medication_schedules` table. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCE_ID | Unique ID generated by Birdie API. Note that this can be null as some medication observation events have no task instance ID recorded. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | OBSERVATION_RESULT | Outcome of medication task, based on the `event_type` for the medication task observation event. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | RECORD_DELETED | True/false flag indicating that record has now been deleted and should be removed from downstream destinations. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | RECORD_UPDATED_AT | Date and time when record was generated/updated. |
MEDICATION_TASK_INSTANCES | SCHEDULED_AT | Date and time medication task was scheduled for - corresponds to a morning (8am), lunch (12pm), afternoon (4pm) or evening (8pm) slot. Note that this field doesn't apply for PRN medications. |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CAREGIVERS | BRANCH_ID | Unique identifier for branch to which a caregiver is linked. |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CAREGIVERS | CAREGIVER_ACTIVE_STATUS | Indicates whether caregiver is 'New', 'Existing' or 'Lost'. New caregivers are those with a start date in the month. Lost caregivers are those terminated in the month. If the termination date is not available but the caregiver has been deactivated, the deactivation date is used. |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CAREGIVERS | CAREGIVER_ID | Unique identifier for caregiver. |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CAREGIVERS | CLIENTS_VISITED_COUNT | Number of different clients visited by this caregiver in the Birdie app. |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CAREGIVERS | COMPLETED_VISIT_COUNT | Number of visits recorded in the Birdie app for this caregiver. |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CAREGIVERS | MONTH_BEGINNING | First day of month which record corresponds to |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CLIENTS | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CLIENTS | CAREGIVERS_VISITING_CLIENTS_COUNT | Number of different carers recording a visit for this client in the Birdie app. |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CLIENTS | CLIENT_ACTIVE_STATUS | Indicates whether client is 'New', 'Existing' or 'Lost'. New clients are those active for the first time this month. Existing clients are active this month as well as in previous months. Lost clients are those in-active this month that were active last month. |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CLIENTS | CLIENT_ID | Unique identifier for client. |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CLIENTS | COMPLETED_VISIT_COUNT | Number of visits recorded in the Birdie app for this client. |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CLIENTS | DAYS_ACTIVE | Number of days client was active during the month. Must be 5 or more to be included in this table. |
MONTHLY_ACTIVE_CLIENTS | MONTH_BEGINNING | First day of month which record corresponds to |
NOTES | BRANCH_ID | ID of the agency where the action has been logged. |
NOTES | CREATED_AT | When the action was first created. |
NOTES | CREATED_BY | User who first created the action. |
NOTES | DESCRIPTION | Description of the action. |
NOTES | ID | Identifier for the specific action. |
NOTES | IS_ARCHIVED | Flag indicating if the action is archived. |
NOTES | NOTE_TYPE | Type of note, e.g. general or compliment. |
NOTES | RELATIONS | Categorical details of the note, e.g. the care recipient it is linked to. |
NOTES | TITLE | Title of the action. |
NOTES | UPDATED_AT | When the action was updated. |
NOTES | UPDATED_BY | User who updated the action |
NOTES | VERSION | Version of the action, starting at 1 for the event where the action is created. |
NOTES_TO_CAREGIVER_MAPPING | CAREGIVER_ID | The ID of the caregiver linked to the note. |
NOTES_TO_CLIENT_MAPPING | CLIENT_ID | The ID of the client linked to the note. |
NOTES_TO_TAGS_MAPPING | TAG_ID | The ID of the tag linked to the note. |
NOTES_TO_TAGS_MAPPING | TAG_NAME | The name of the tag linked to the note. |
PAYERS | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
PAYERS | LAST_UPDATED_AT | The timestamp when the payer record was last updated. |
PAYERS | LAST_UPDATED_BY | The ID of the user who last updated the payer record. |
PAYERS | PAYER_ADDRESS | The address of the payer. |
PAYERS | PAYER_EMAIL | The email of the payer. |
PAYERS | PAYER_ID | ID of the payer. |
PAYERS | PAYER_NAME | The name of the payer. |
PAYERS | PAYER_STATUS | Status of the payer - active or inactive. |
PAYERS | PAYER_PAYMENT_METHOD | The selected payment method for the payer, e.g. Direct Debit, Manual or None. |
PAYERS | PAYER_PAYMENT_METHOD_REFERENCE | The reference number for the payment method, if applicable. |
PAYRUNS | BRANCH_ID | Birdie interface ID. |
PAYRUNS | CREATED_AT | Creation timestamp of pay run. |
PAYRUNS | CREATED_BY | User ID for person creating the pay run. |
PAYRUNS | FIRST_EXPORTED_AT | Date the pay run is first exported as a csv. |
PAYRUNS | IS_DELETED | True/false flag indicating if pay run has been deleted. |
PAYRUNS | PAYRUN_ID | Pay run ID. Primary key. |
PAYRUNS | PERIOD_END | End of pay period. |
PAYRUNS | PERIOD_START | Start of pay period. |
PAYRUNS | UPDATED_AT | Time and date pay run was last updated. This is the creation timestamp for active records and the deletion timestamp for deleted records. |
PURCHASE_ORDERS | BRANCH_ID | ID for Birdie interface generating invoice. |
PURCHASE_ORDERS | CLIENT_ID | ID of the care recipient for the purchase order. |
PURCHASE_ORDERS | CONTRACT_ID | ID for contract associated with the invoice. |
PURCHASE_ORDERS | MAXIMUM_HOURS_PER_WEEK | The maximum hours of care delivered per week for the purchase order. |
PURCHASE_ORDERS | PURCHASE_ORDER_ID | ID of the purchase order. Primary key. |
PURCHASE_ORDERS | SERVICE_TYPE_ID | ID of the service type of the care being delivered. |
PURCHASE_ORDERS | STATUS | Status of the purchase order, e.g. active or cancelled. |
QUALIFICATIONS | BRANCH_ID | ID of the branch that uploaded the qualification. |
QUALIFICATIONS | CAREGIVER_ID | ID of the user that the qualification refers to. |
QUALIFICATIONS | CREATED_BY | ID of the user that uploaded the qualification. |
QUALIFICATIONS | EVENT_ID | Unique ID of the qualification event. |
QUALIFICATIONS | EXPIRES_AT | Expiration date of the qualification uploaded. |
QUALIFICATIONS | FILENAME | Name of the file of the uploaded qualification. |
QUALIFICATIONS | QUALIFICATION_NAME | Descriptive name of the qualification selected by the user. |
QUALIFICATIONS | RECEIVED_AT | Date that the event was received on the platform. |
RATE_CARDS | BRANCH_ID | Birdie interface ID. |
RATE_CARDS | RATE_CARD_ID | Rate card run ID. Primary key. |
RATE_CARDS | RATE_CARD_NAME | Name of the rate card. |
RATE_CARDS | RATE_CARD_TYPE | Type of the rate card - charge or pay. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | BRANCH_ID | ID of the branch to which the rate card is available. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | CREATED_AT | When the rate card was created. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | CREATED_BY | ID of user who created the rate card. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | DAYS_RATE_APPLIES | The days to which the rate applies - e.g. weekday, weekend, holiday. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | EFFECTIVE_FROM | From when the rate card is effective. In the first instance of a rate card effective_from null. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | IS_DELETED | Flag indicating if the rate has been deleted. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | IS_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_RATE | Flag indicating if the rate card is from the "Service type rates" section of the "Pay rates" page. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | PERIOD_RATE_APPLIES | The period to which the rate applies - e.g. time of day or always. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | RATE | The rate amount. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | RATE_APPLIES_FROM | Time of day from which the rate applies - e.g. 08:00:00. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | RATE_APPLIES_UNTIL | Time of day until the rate applies - e.g. 22:00:00. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | RATE_CARD_ID | ID of the rate card. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | RATE_CARD_NAME | Name of the rate card. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | RATE_CARD_TYPE | Type of the rate card - e.g. pay or charge. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | RATE_ORDER_OF_PREFERENCE_INDEX | Index of the rate card in the order in which the rate should be applied. I.e. if a visit matches multiple rates then the rate with the lowest index is applied. The exception to this is when `days_rate_applies` is "holiday" - these rates are always applied first (again in order of preference in the case that multiple match). |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | RATE_TYPE | The rate type - e.g. single, fixed or banded. |
RATE_CARD_DETAILS | SERVICE_TYPE_ID | Identifier of the service type to which the rate corresponds for service type rates. |
HOLIDAY_RATES | BRANCH_ID | Identifier for the branch's Birdie interface. |
HOLIDAY_RATES | DATE | Date of the holiday. |
HOLIDAY_RATES | DESCRIPTION | User inputted description of the holiday. |
HOLIDAY_RATES | PAY_MULTIPLIER | Multiplier for the charge rate on the holiday. |
HOLIDAY_RATES | CHARGE_MULTIPLIER | Multiplier for the charge rate on the holiday. |
SCHEDULED_TASK_INSTANCES_TO_VISIT_MAPPING | BRANCH_ID | Associated Birdie interface ID for the branch. |
SCHEDULED_VISITS_LEAN | BRANCH_ID | Branch ID for client's branch. |
SCHEDULED_VISITS_LEAN | CAREGIVER_ID | Identifies the caregiver assigned to the visit. |
SCHEDULED_VISITS_LEAN | CLIENT_ID | Identifies client visited. |
SCHEDULED_VISITS_LEAN | IS_CANCELLED | Flag indicating if visit has been cancelled. |
SCHEDULED_VISITS_LEAN | SCHEDULED_END_AT | Timestamp for when visit was scheduled to end. |
SCHEDULED_VISITS_LEAN | SCHEDULED_START_AT | Timestamp for when visit was scheduled to begin. |
SCHEDULED_VISITS_LEAN | VISIT_ID | Unique ID for visit assigned by Birdie backend. |
SERVICE_TYPES | SERVICE_TYPE_ID | ID of the service type. Primary key. |
SERVICE_TYPES | SERVICE_TYPE_NAME | Name of the service type. |
TAGS | TAG_ID | ID of the tag. Primary key. |
TAGS | TAG_NAME | Name of the tag. |
TASK_SCHEDULES | ACTIVE_FROM | Date medication tasks start for care recipient. |
TASK_SCHEDULES | ACTIVE_UNTIL | Date and time medication tasks stop for care recipient. Null if the schedule is set to continue indefinitely. |
TASK_SCHEDULES | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
TASK_SCHEDULES | CLIENT_ID | ID for subject of medication schedule. |
TASK_SCHEDULES | CREATED_AT | Date and time schedule was created. Note that this isn't neccessarily the time that scheduled starts - can be later, see `active_from`. |
TASK_SCHEDULES | TASK_CATEGORY | The category of the task, e.g. 'Medical' or 'Cleaning'. |
TASK_SCHEDULES | TASK_DESCRIPTION | The description of the task, e.g. 'Assist with light cleaning duties.' |
TASK_SCHEDULES | TASK_SCHEDULE_ID | Unique ID for medication schedule generated by Birdie backend. |
TASK_SCHEDULES | UPDATED_AT | Date and time schedule was last updated. This is changed in four scenarios. 1) When the schedule is created. 2) If the schedule is deleted. 3) If the schedule is edited, in this case the other fields of the record reflect the original state before being updated - a new record is created to reflect the new state. 4) If the schedule is stopped - note that the tasks could be scheduled to stop at a later date - see `active_until` for the time when schedule stops being applied. |
TRAVEL_RATE_CARDS | BRANCH_ID | ID of the branch to which the rate card applies. |
TRAVEL_RATE_CARDS | BREAK | Maximum break between visits. |
TRAVEL_RATE_CARDS | CREATED_BY | ID of the user who created the rate card. |
TRAVEL_RATE_CARDS | HOURLY_RATE | Hourly rate for time spent travelling. |
TRAVEL_RATE_CARDS | INCLUDE_COMMUTING_MILES | Flag indicating whether commuting miles are included in the travel rate. |
TRAVEL_RATE_CARDS | INCLUDE_COMMUTING_TIME | Flag indicating whether commuting time is included in the travel rate. |
TRAVEL_RATE_CARDS | IS_ARCHIVED | Flag indicating if a travel rate has been archived. |
TRAVEL_RATE_CARDS | RATE_CARD_ID | ID of the travel rate card. |
TRAVEL_RATE_CARDS | RATE_CARD_NAME | Name of the rate card |
USERS | CREATED_AT | Timestamp for when record was created. |
USERS | Email address entered into agency hub. | |
USERS | FIRST_NAME | First name as entered into agency hub. |
USERS | GENDER | Gender entered into agency hub. |
USERS | IS_DEMO_USER | Flag indicating to record doesn't correspond to a real user. For example if the last name contains the word 'Cancellation' or 'Holiday'. |
USERS | LAST_NAME | Last name as entered into agency hub. |
USERS | PHONE_NUMBER | User's phone number in Birdie system. |
USERS | POSTCODE | Mailing postcode extracted from address field. |
USERS | UPDATED_AT | Timestamp for when record was updated. |
USERS | USER_ID | Unique identifier assigned by Birdie backend system. |
USERS | USER_NAME | User's first and last name as entered into the agency hub. |
USERS_TO_BRANCH_ROLE_MAPPING | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
USERS_TO_BRANCH_ROLE_MAPPING | ROLE | Describes user's role, either caregiver, care_manager, family_member_primary or family_member_secondary. |
USERS_TO_BRANCH_ROLE_MAPPING | USER_ID | Unique identifier for caregiver, care manager, family member. Maps to `users` model. |
USERS_TO_CLIENT_MAPPING | CLIENT_ID | Unique ID for the client. |
USERS_TO_CLIENT_MAPPING | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
USERS_TO_CLIENT_MAPPING | RELATION | The relationship between the user and the client, when the user is a key contact of the client or part of their care circle. This field will be null for care managers or caregivers linked to the client's record. |
USERS_TO_CLIENT_MAPPING | TYPE_OF_POA | Type of Power of Attorney, where applicable. E.g. 'Health and Wellbeing'. |
USERS_TO_CLIENT_MAPPING | CARE_CAN_BE_DISCUSSED | Flag indicating if the client or person making a best interests decision on their behalf agree that general care matters can be discussed with this contact. |
USERS_TO_CLIENT_MAPPING | IS_EMERGENCY_CONTACT | Flag indicating if the contact is an emergency contact. |
USERS_TO_CLIENT_MAPPING | NEXT_OF_KIN | Flag indicating if the contact is next of kin. |
| Record of relationships between users (carers, care managers, family members, care circle members) and clients. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | BRANCH_ID | Identifier for branch which the caregiver's details are recorded for. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | CONTRACTED_HOURS_PERIOD | Period for hours the caregiver is contracted, usually weekly. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | CONTRACTED_HOURS_QUANTITY | Number of hours the caregiver is contracted within the set period. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | CONTRACT_TYPE | Type of contract the caregiver has (e.g. zero hours, guaranteed hours). |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | DEACTIVATED_AT | Timestamp when the user was deactivated. Null if the user is currently active. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | EMPLOYEE_NUMBER | Free text field of employee number as set by the agency. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | IS_ACTIVATED | Flag indicating if the user is currently active at this branch. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | LATEST_UPDATE_BY | User who most recently updated the caregiver's employment details. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | NATIONAL_INSURANCE_NUMBER | Caregiver's national insurance number. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | PREFERRED_HOURS_MAXIMUM | Maximum number of preferred hours in the period. May be null. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | PREFERRED_HOURS_MINIMUM | Minimum number of preferred hours in the period. May be null. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | PREFERRED_HOURS_PERIOD | Period of preferred hours, e.g. weekly. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | STARTED_AT | Start date of the caregiver. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | TRANSPORT_METHOD | Transport method of the caregiver. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | USER_ID | Identifier for the caregiver whose details are recorded. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | ADDRESS | Address of the caregiver |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | LOCATION | Postcode of the caregiver. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | LATITUDE | The latitude coordinate of the caregiver's address for geo-location purposes. |
USER_BRANCH_ATTRIBUTES | LONGITUDE | The longitude coordinate of the caregiver's address for geo-location purposes. |
VISITS | ACTUAL_END_AT | Timestamp for when last caregiver checked-out. |
VISITS | ACTUAL_START_AT | Timestamp for when first caregiver checked-in. |
VISITS | BRANCH_ID | The unique identifier for the Birdie interface setup for a care location. |
VISITS | CANCELLATION_INVOICE_PAYER | Flag indicating if they payer should be invoiced for a cancelled visit. |
VISITS | CANCELLATION_NOTE | Free text field describing the cancellation reason. |
VISITS | CANCELLATION_PAY_CAREGIVER | Flag indicating if the caregiver should be paid for a cancelled visit. |
VISITS | CANCELLATION_REASON | Categorical reason for cancelling the visit, for example 'family' or 'not required'. |
VISITS | CANCELLATION_REQUESTED_BY | User who requested the cancellation on the agency hub. |
VISITS | CANCELLED_AT | Timestamp of when the cancellation was requested on the agency hub. |
VISITS | CAREGIVERS_ATTENDING_VISIT | Number of caregivers checking into visit on the Birdie app. |
VISITS | CAREGIVERS_REQUIRED_FOR_VISIT | Number of caregivers required for the visit, as identified in the visit schedule. |
VISITS | CAREGIVERS_SCHEDULED_FOR_VISIT | Count of carers scheduled to attend the visit. Missing value indicates an unscheduled visit no available scheduling data. |
VISITS | CARE_OBSERVATIONS | Count of care observations (e.g. fluid intake, toilet visit, mood) recorded during visit. Doesn't count general observations which are attached to visit as note. |
VISITS | CLIENT_ID | Identifier for client visited. |
VISITS | HAS_VISIT_NOTE | True/false flag indicating if a general note was attached to visit report by carer. |
VISITS | IS_CANCELLED | True/false flag indicating if visit has been cancelled. |
VISITS | SCHEDULED_END_AT | Timestamp for when visit was scheduled to end. |
VISITS | SCHEDULED_START_AT | Timestamp for when visit was scheduled to begin. |
VISITS | VISIT_ID | Unique ID for visit assigned by Birdie backend. |
VISITS_FORECAST | BRANCH_ID | Associated Birdie interface ID for the visit instance. |
VISITS_FORECAST | CANCELLATION_INVOICE_PAYER | Boolean indicating whether the payer needs to be invoiced for the visit. |
VISITS_FORECAST | CANCELLATION_NOTE | Free text note on cancellation details. |
VISITS_FORECAST | CANCELLATION_PAY_CAREGIVER | Boolean indicating whether the caregiver needs to be paid for the visit. |
VISITS_FORECAST | CANCELLATION_REASON | Single choice reason for cancellation. |
VISITS_FORECAST | CANCELLATION_REQUESTED_AT | Time when cancellation was requested. |
VISITS_FORECAST | CANCELLATION_REQUESTED_BY | ID of user who requested the cancellation. |
VISITS_FORECAST | CHARGE_RATE_CARD_ID | Identifier of the rate charged for the visit. |
VISITS_FORECAST | CLIENT_ID | ID of the client for whom the visit is arranged. |
VISITS_FORECAST | CONTRACT_ID | Identifier of the contract between the care funder and the agency. |
VISITS_FORECAST | CREATED_AT | When the visit was first created. |
VISITS_FORECAST | END_AT | Scheduled end time. |
VISITS_FORECAST | PAY_RATE_CARD_ID | Identifier of the rate paid to the carer for delivering the visit. |
VISITS_FORECAST | PURCHASE_ORDER_ID | Identifier of the purchase order made with the contract for the care recipient’s care. |
VISITS_FORECAST | REQUIRED_NUMBER_OF_CAREGIVERS | Number of caregivers required for the visit. |
VISITS_FORECAST | SERVICE_TYPE_ID | Identifier of the type of care being delivered, type being ‘Complex Care’ for example. |
VISITS_FORECAST | START_AT | When visit is scheduled to start. |
VISITS_FORECAST | STATUS | Defines if appointment is scheduled or cancelled. |
VISITS_FORECAST | TZID | Time zone identifier of the visit time. |
VISITS_FORECAST | UPDATED_AT | When the record was last updated. |
VISITS_FORECAST | VISIT_ID | Unique ID for visit. |
VISITS_FORECAST | VISIT_SCHEDULE_ID | Identifies the schedule to which the visit instance belongs. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_METRICS | AVERAGE_OFFICE_HOURS_RESOLUTION_TIME_MINUTES | The average resolution time for chats started during office hours (8am - 8pm, Monday - Friday). Starts from when the first user message was sent. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_METRICS | AVERAGE_OFFICE_HOURS_RESPONSE_TIME_MINUTES | The average response time for chats started during office hours (8am - 8pm, Monday - Friday). Starts from when the first user message was sent. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_METRICS | AVERAGE_SUPPORT_RESPONSES | The average number of responses sent by Birdie support. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_METRICS | BILLING_ENTITY_ID | Identifier for the billing entity. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_METRICS | BRANCH_ID | Identifier for branch. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_METRICS | COUNT_CAREGIVER_CONVERSATIONS | The count of conversations initiated by an active caregiver. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_METRICS | COUNT_CARE_MANAGER_CONVERSATIONS | The count of conversations initiated by an active care manager. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_METRICS | COUNT_CONVERSATIONS | The count of conversations stated in the week. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_METRICS | COUNT_T3_CONVERSATIONS | The count of conversations handled by T3. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_METRICS | WEEK_BEGINNING | Identifies week that results correspond to. Weeks begin on Monday. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_PRODUCT_AREA_METRICS | COUNT_CONVERSATIONS | The count of conversations stated in the week. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_PRODUCT_AREA_METRICS | PRODUCT_AREA | The product area associated with the support chat. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_PRODUCT_AREA_METRICS | PRODUCT_SUB_AREA | The product sub area associated with the support chat. |
WEEKLY_SUPPORT_CHAT_PRODUCT_AREA_METRICS | WEEK_BEGINNING | Identifies week that results correspond to. Weeks begin on Monday. |