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All CollectionsAlerts & InboxAlerts
An Overview of All The Alerts in Birdie
An Overview of All The Alerts in Birdie

This article will give you an overview of all the alerts you may receive as well as show you which ones you can configure.

Anjelica avatar
Written by Anjelica
Updated over a month ago

Please note: The following feature is available for all of Birdie’s packages.

A​lerts are a way to ensure that you are aware of any issues which are happening when care is being delivered and to make sure that you are receiving crucial information as soon as possible.

It is always important to check your alert notification settings to ensure you are receiving all the relevant alerts. For more information on this, please read this article - How to change your alert notifications.

For configurable alerts, please reach out to the support team via the chat box or email at [email protected].

Alert name

What triggers the alert?

When will this alert be triggered?

Can you configure this alert?

Forced check-in

When a carer has forced a check-in (E.g. they did not scan the QR code or geo-check-in with no coordinates)

As soon as the forced check-out reaches the Birdie system.

Yes, ✅ these alerts can be turned on or off on the care recipients settings tab.

You can also alter the radius in which the care professional will check in which may reduce the alert being triggered. You can do this on the agency hub.

Forced check-out

When a carer has forced a check-out (E.g. they did not scan the QR code or geo-check-in with no coordinates)

As soon as the forced check-out reaches the Birdie system.

Yes, ✅ these alerts can be turned on or off on the care recipients settings tab.

You can also alter the radius in which the care professional will check in which may reduce the alert being triggered. You can do this on the agency hub.

Third-party access requested

A third party (such as a paramedic) has requested access to the Birdie system for a specific client.

As soon as the third party requests access.

No ❌

Regular medication not taken

A medication has been recorded by a carer as having been “Not taken”.

As soon as the reported medication outcome reaches the Birdie system.

No ❌

Regular medication maybe taken

A medication has been recorded by a carer as having been “Maybe taken”.

As soon as the reported medication outcome reaches the Birdie system.

No ❌

Regular Medication Partially Taken

A medication has been recorded by a carer as having been “Partially taken”.

As soon as the reported medication outcome reaches the Birdie system.

No ❌

No Medication Observation Received

No report for a medication has come through to Birdie at all, likely indicating that this medication has been missed.

After a set delay. The delay is specified by the agency’s “Medication Alert Timeout” value. The default is 5 hours after the medication is expected to be reported, the minimum is 3 hours.

This alert is disabled if you use visit planning.

Yes ✅

Essential Task not done

An essential task was marked as not completed or partially completed during the visit.

This alert will be triggered before the visit’s scheduled end time.

No ❌

Visit Plan Not Completed

A visit has been completed, but not all essential parts of that visit (tasks, essential tasks and medications) have been completed as expected. The carer may have started an unscheduled visit instead.

After a set delay of 60 minutes after the visit was expected to be completed, i.e. the scheduled end time of the visit.

This alert will only generate if there is either an Essential task or a medication that has not been completed.
Tasks that have not been flagged as "essential" will not trigger the alert.

Visit planning must be turned on in order for this alert to be generated.

No ❌

Visit Not Started In Time

A scheduled visit was expected to occur but has not yet been reported on Birdie.

After a delay. Delay is specified by the agency’s “Visit Not Started In Time Alert Timeout” setting.

If the start time of the visit is moved to a time in the future and the care professional is still late despite the change in time, a second late visit alert is not generated. You ensure you have a process to manage this outside of Birdie's alert system

Yes ✅

The Care Professional did not check in on time

This alert is triggered in the case of a double-up visit where the visit has started, but the second (or third, etc.) carer hasn’t yet checked in.

After a delay. Delay is specified by the agency’s “Visit Not Started In Time Alert Timeout” setting.

If the start time of the visit is moved to a time in the future and the care professional is still late despite the change in time, a second late visit alert is not generated. You ensure you have a process to manage this outside of Birdie's alert system

Yes ✅

Covid-19 Symptoms Observed

A carer has reported that a client is experiencing Covid-19 symptoms

As soon as the care professionals' COVID-19 report reaches the Birdie system.

No ❌

NEWS2 Score Recorded

A carer has completed a NEWS2 observation for a client.

As soon as the care professionals' NEWS2 report reaches the Birdie system.

No ❌

Task Recorded As Not Completed

A task was recorded by a carer as not completed.

As soon as the care professionals' report of a not-completed task reaches the Birdie system.

No ❌

Concern Raised

A concern was raised manually by either a carer through the app or a care manager through the agency hub.

As soon as the concern is raised.

No ❌

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