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Q-Score 2.0 & the CQC Single Assessment Framework [beta]
Q-Score 2.0 & the CQC Single Assessment Framework [beta]

Discover how Q-Score 2.0 aligns with CQC's Single Assessment Framework to enhance care quality metrics.

Anjelica avatar
Written by Anjelica
Updated over a week ago

Please note: This feature is currently in beta. Please get in touch with your Customer Success Manager if you would like more information.

At Birdie, we are excited about how our platform’s data can support regulatory inspections. Q-Score 2.0 metrics are inspired by the quality statements of the CQC’s Single Assessment Framework (SAF). This article explains how.

The CQC’s inspection framework is divided into five key questions:

  • Safe

  • Effective

  • Caring

  • Responsive

  • Well-led

These are underpinned by 34 quality statements. We have aligned our Birdie platform features with these statements, selecting metrics to measure evidence quality and completeness. For example, the Effective question includes a statement on assessing needs, with the metric “% of clients with all eight initial assessments recently completed or reviewed.”

Our Q-Score (Care Excellence) covers 22 of the 34 Quality Statements, with others addressed in upcoming reports on Operational Excellence and Empowered Care Teams.

Below is a table listing the Key Questions, Quality Statements, and corresponding Q-Score metrics:

Q-Score metric: Safe

Learning culture

We have a proactive and positive culture of safety based on openness and honesty, in which concerns about safety are listened to, safety events are investigated and reported thoroughly, and lessons are learned to continually identify and embed good practices.

# concerns raised per 1000 hours of care

% concern-related actions completed on time

% alerts resolved within 24h

% of concerns with follow-up action

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

We work with people and our partners to establish and maintain safe systems of care, in which safety is managed, monitored and assured. We ensure continuity of care, including when people move between different services.

% client weeks with consistent care team

% clients with a member of their care circle accessing their records on the family app in the last 30 days

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form


We work with people to understand what being safe means to them as well as with our partners on the best way to achieve this. We concentrate on improving people’s lives while protecting their right to live in safety, free from bullying, harassment, abuse, discrimination, avoidable harm and neglect. We make sure we share concerns quickly and appropriately.

# concerns raised per 1000 hours of care

% of concerns with follow-up action

% concern-related actions completed on time

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form

Involving people to manage risks

We work with people to understand and manage risks by thinking holistically so that care meets their needs in a way that is safe and supportive and enables them to do the things that matter to them.

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

% regulated clients with a risk rating

Safe environments

We detect and control potential risks in the care environment. We make sure that the equipment, facilities and technology support the delivery of safe care.

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

% clients with a medication assessment completed or reviewed recently (for clients who receive medication support)

Safe and effective staffing

We make sure there are enough qualified, skilled and experienced people, who receive effective support, supervision and development. They work together effectively to provide safe care that meets people’s individual needs.

Not currently available in the Q-Score

Infection prevention and control

We assess and manage the risk of infection. We detect and control the risk of it spreading and share any concerns with appropriate agencies promptly.

Not currently available in the Q-Score

Medicines optimisation

We make sure that medicines and treatments are safe and meet people’s needs, capacities and preferences by enabling them to be involved in planning, including when changes happen.

% clients with a medication assessment completed or reviewed recently (for clients who receive medication support)

% medications with outcome of 'fully taken'

Q-Score metric: Effective

Assessing needs

We maximise the effectiveness of people’s care and treatment by assessing and reviewing their health, care, wellbeing and communication needs with them.

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

% clients with a medication assessment completed or reviewed recently (for clients who receive medication support)

Delivering evidence based care and treatment

We plan and deliver people’s care and treatment with them, including what is important and matters to them. We do this in line with legislation and current evidence-based good practice and standards.

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

% clients with a medication assessment completed or reviewed recently (for clients who receive medication support)

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form

% of visits lasting their expected duration

% visits with check-ins completed successfully

% of tasks in visit plans with an outcome of ‘done’

How staff, teams and services work together

We work effectively across teams and services to support people. We make sure they only need to tell their story once by sharing their assessment of needs when they move between different services.

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

% clients with a medication assessment completed or reviewed recently (for clients who receive medication support)

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form

# notes with tag created per 1000 hours of care

Supporting people to live healthier lives

We support people to manage their health and wellbeing so they can maximise their independence, choice and control. We support them to live healthier lives and where possible, reduce their future needs for care and support.

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

% clients with a medication assessment completed or reviewed recently (for clients who receive medication support)

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form

% task schedules with a personalised note

% medications with outcome of 'fully taken'

% visits meeting observation target

Monitoring and improving outcomes

We routinely monitor people’s care and treatment to continuously improve it. We ensure that outcomes are positive and consistent, and that they meet both clinical expectations and the expectations of people themselves.

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

% clients with a medication assessment completed or reviewed recently (for clients who receive medication support)

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form

Consent to care and treatment

We tell people about their rights around consent and respect these when we deliver person-centred care and treatment.

Not currently available in the Q-Score

Q-Score metric: Caring

Kindness, compassion and dignity

We always treat people with kindness, empathy and compassion and we respect their privacy and dignity. We treat colleagues from other organisations with kindness and respect.

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

% clients with a medication assessment completed or reviewed recently (for clients who receive medication support)

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form

Treating people as individuals

We treat people as individuals and make sure their care, support and treatment meets their needs and preferences. We take account of their strengths, abilities, aspirations, culture and unique backgrounds and protected characteristics.

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

% clients with a medication assessment completed or reviewed recently (for clients who receive medication support)

% task schedules with a personalised note

Independence, choice and control

We promote people’s independence, so they know their rights and have choice and control over their own care, treatment and wellbeing.

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

% clients with a medication assessment completed or reviewed recently (for clients who receive medication support)

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form

Responding to people's immediate needs

We listen to and understand people’s needs, views and wishes. We respond to these in that moment and will act to minimise any discomfort, concern or distress.

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

# concerns raised per 1000 hours of care

% of concerns with follow-up action

% concern-related actions completed on time

Workforce wellbeing and enablement

We care about and promote the wellbeing of our staff, and we support and enable them to always deliver person centred care.

Not currently available in the Q-Score

Q-Score metric: Responsive

Person-centred care

We make sure people are at the centre of their care and treatment choices and we decide, in partnership with them, how to respond to any relevant changes in their needs.

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

% clients with a medication assessment completed or reviewed recently (for clients who receive medication support)

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form

Care provision, integration and continuity

We understand the diverse health and care needs of people and our local communities, so care is joined-up, flexible and supports choice and continuity.

% regulated clients with a risk rating

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

% clients with a medication assessment completed or reviewed recently (for clients who receive medication support)

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form

% task schedules with a personalised note

% clients with a member of their care circle accessing their records on the family app in the last 30 days

Providing information

We provide appropriate, accurate and up-to-date information in formats that we tailor to individual needs.

% clients with a member of their care circle accessing their records on the family app in the last 30 days

Listening to and involving people

We make it easy for people to share feedback and ideas or raise complaints about their care, treatment and support. We involve them in decisions about their care and tell them what’s changed as a result.

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form

Equity in access

We make sure that everyone can access the care, support and treatment they need when they need it.

% scheduled visits attended

% visits starting on time

Equity in experiences and outcomes

We actively seek out and listen to information about people who are most likely to experience inequality in experience or outcomes. We tailor the care, support and treatment in response to this.

% clients with recent touchpoint - a client feedback form or note, courtesy call form or service review form

Planning for the future

We support people to plan for important life changes, so they can have enough time to make informed decisions about their future, including at the end of their life.

% clients with all eight initial assessments completed or reviewed recently

Q-Score metric: Well-led

Shared direction and culture

We have a shared vision, strategy and culture. This is based on transparency, equity, equality and human rights, diversity and inclusion, engagement, and understanding challenges and the needs of people and our communities in order to meet these.

Not currently available in the Q-Score

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

We have inclusive leaders at all levels who understand the context in which we deliver care, treatment and support and embody the culture and values of their workforce and organisation. They have the skills, knowledge, experience and credibility to lead effectively. They do so with integrity, openness and honesty.

Not currently available in the Q-Score

Freedom to speak up

We foster a positive culture where people feel that they can speak up and that their voice will be heard.

Not currently available in the Q-Score

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

We value diversity in our workforce. We work towards an inclusive and fair culture by improving equality and equity for people who work for us.

Not currently available in the Q-Score

Governance, management and sustainability

We have clear responsibilities, roles, systems of accountability and good governance. We use these to manage and deliver good quality, sustainable care, treatment and support. We act on the best information about risk, performance and outcomes, and we share this securely with others when appropriate.

Not currently available in the Q-Score

Partnerships and communities

We understand our duty to collaborate and work in partnership, so our services work seamlessly for people. We share information and learning with partners and collaborate for improvement.

Not currently available in the Q-Score

Learning, improvement and innovation

We focus on continuous learning, innovation and improvement across our organisation and the local system. We encourage creative ways of delivering equality of experience, outcome and quality of life for people. We actively contribute to safe, effective practice and research

Not currently available in the Q-Score

Environmental sustainability - sustainable development

We understand any negative impact of our activities on the environment and we strive to make a positive contribution in reducing it and support people to do the same.

Not currently available in the Q-Score

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