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The Birdie Q-Score: Care Excellence Reports [beta]

a set of reports that will help you understand how your agency is performing against the CQC framework.

Anjelica avatar
Written by Anjelica
Updated over a week ago

Please note: If you do not have access to these features and you are interested in learning more about Birdie Analytics, Please get in touch to talk to a member of our team!

Care Excellence is a measure of your care management, care delivery, and care auditing on Birdie. The Care Excellence score is calculated from the average score across the three categories. The maximum value in each category, as well as the overall score, is 4.

How to find the reports

First, log into your Birdie Analytics account. You can find the Care Excellence reports by using the search bar and typing in Q-Score 2.0.

The below image is what the report list will look like.

There are 5 reports in the care excellence report which are:

  • Care Excellence Q-Score (multi-branch overview)

  • Care Excellence Q-Score (branch overview)

  • Care Excellence Care management detail

  • Care Excellence Care delivery detail

  • Care Excellence Care auditing detail

1. The Care Excellence Q-Score (multi-branch overview) report

This report will show you data from all of your branches, you will find 4 tables which will report your scores for the last month, these are:

  • Care Excellence score

  • Care management score

  • Care delivery score

  • Care auditing score

These tables will look at your management of information for active clients, your delivery of visits, and how you track care-related information that may or may not require action.

2. Care Excellence Q-Score (branch overview) report

This report will show you the same information as the Care Excellence Q-Score (multi-branch overview) report but at a branch level. This allows you to dig deeper into the score if needed and identify how each branch is performing. A helpful report if your agency has many branches.

Before you begin you must select a single branch from the filter at the top of the page. Click the Update button to refresh the data.

This report visualises the data in different ways as shown below.

In Graph form:

In Table form:

3. Care management Q-Score detail

The below table lists the % values of each care management metric for each client. This report will show you client-level details such as:

  • Whether the client is flagged as receiving regulated care

  • Risk rating

  • Task schedules with personalised notes

  • Initial assessments up to date

  • Medication support

  • Consistent care team

  • Family app login

Please note: Yesterday's values for each metric are presented below. As a result, this may differ from monthly Q-Score calculations if recent changes have been made to a client's profile or care plan.

4. Care delivery Q-Score detail

The care delivery report looks at your delivery of visits. This dashboard shows carer and client-level details so you can easily identify where you are doing well and where to focus in order to improve your Q-Score.

Before you begin looking at your data, you will need to enter details into the filters at the top of the page, this will allow you to see specific information for a carer or client. For more information on how to use the filter please see this article- Understanding the filter clauses on Birdie Analytics.

In this report you will see 2 tables:

  • Carer detail

  • Client detail

You will be able to see information such as:

  • Carer/client name

  • Scheduled visits count

  • Scheduled visits attended

  • Visits lasting expected duration

  • Visits starting on time

  • Check-ins completed successfully

  • Visits meeting observations targets

  • Medications fully taken

  • Medications with outcomes recorded

  • Visit care tasks completed

5. Care auditing Q-Score detail

The care auditing report looks at how you track care-related information that comes into your agency which may or may not require action.

Please note: Additional details on Concerns and Notes are available in their respective Birdie Analytics reports.

In this report, you will see 3 tables:

  • Carer detail

  • Client detail

  • Note creator detail

You will be able to see information such as:

  • Carer/client name

  • Scheduled hours

  • Alerts resolved within 24 hours

  • Concern count

  • Concerns per 1000 hours

  • Concerns with follow-up action

  • Notes with tag count

  • Note count

  • Note with tag (%)

You may want to know what data underpins the calculated value. To do this, click on the number, a drill-down will open with more details.

This will bring up a table showing a list of clients with additional details about them. As shown in the image below.

Click the Download button on this pop-up window to download and format this information.

What do the colours on the report mean?

The cell colours match the score which will quickly give you an idea of how well your agency is performing. The maximum score is 4 and the lowest score is 1.

  • Dark blue: 4

  • Light blue: 3

  • Light red: 2

  • Dark red: 1.

Hover over the column title to see its description and threshold values. Click on the metrics to drill into client-level details.


Why do I have a ø in a column?

Your care auditing score is calculated as the average score across all metrics. If you do not have access to a feature, the metric value is shown as ø and it is excluded from score calculations.

When does the data update?

The data will update automatically overnight.

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