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The Birdie Q-score: Caring Staff

A category that contributes to the Birdie Q Score

Scarlett Aichroth avatar
Written by Scarlett Aichroth
Updated over 4 months ago

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What does Caring Staff mean?

Caring Staff is one category that contributes to the overall Birdie Q Score. It shows you how caring, effective, and person-centred the care you provide is.

These are the 3 metrics we look at to assess your performance:

  1. Percentage of scheduled tasks completed.

  2. Percentage of visit reports with notes.

  3. The average number of observations per visit.

To improve your Caring Staff Score, you can:

  1. Regularly check scheduled tasks and remove any tasks which no longer need to be completed (for example, if you have a task set to change a dressing but the area has now healed, you can remove this task).

  2. Add a message on the Birdie app to remind carers to add notes to every visit report.

  3. Remind carers to track at least 3 observations per visit.

How do we help you improve?

In addition to your monthly Q-Score report, every Monday evening we will send a set of weekly reports to help keep you on track. There are five reports each providing a different view of care delivery and care management. Using these reports you can drive improvements in your Q-Score by identifying clients & carers needing your attention and support. See here for more info on the Birdie Q Score.

Check your Care Management Trends Report to determine where you have a problem, read on to see our tips on how to get an Outstanding Score.

Caring Staff and The Birdie Q Score:

If your Call Monitoring Score is low, it means your carers are not or incorrectly logging visits using Birdie. This will affect your caring Staff score. See here how to improve this score.

Here is how the Q Score is scored:

1: Inadequate

Less than 55% of scheduled tasks complete

Less than 85% of visits containing notes

Less than an average of 3 observations per report

2: Requires Improvement

Less than 65% of scheduled tasks complete

Greater than 85% of visits containing notes

Greater than an average of 3 observations per report

3: Good

Less than 75% of scheduled tasks complete

Greater than 85% of visits containing notes

Greater than an average of 3 observations per report

4: Outstanding

Greater than 75% of scheduled tasks complete

Greater than 85% of visits containing notes

Greater than an average of 3 observations per report


What to do if less than 75% of scheduled tasks are complete

After you have checked your Call Monitoring Score. You need to check your weekly Care Delivery by Client Report.

Here I can see the total completed task count for the week and the percentage of tasks completed. Looking at Cathy Hall for example. It looks like a lot of tasks were completed but actually, only 50% of the schedule was. I may want to now look into the tasks set for these clients on Birdie and see how effective they are. See here how to audit tasks.

What to do if less than 85% of visits contain notes:

Check the Care Delivery by Carer report. I will be able to see here which Carers are recording the least amount of notes. The notes section shows that the carers are picking up new information from each unique visit - if this is low you will need to make sure the Carers are writing more notes!

Once you have identified the carer we suggest conducting a performance review or a re-training on the app.

Improving this category ensures you are keeping the wider care circle up to date on the client's health and well-being. To summarise, making sure this score is high will please your client's family members and the CQC!

What to do if there is a low average of observations per report:

Logging food, drink, mood, mental health, etc. is the best way to detect trends in your clients and ensure you are providing consistent care. Similar to the above the best thing to do is to check your Care Delivery by Carer Report. You can either conduct a performance review or a re-training on the app.

*If you are not receiving a total of 5 weekly reports and a monthly Q Score report from your account manager please get in touch.

Find out more about the different categories:

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