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The Birdie Q-score: Medication Monitoring

A category that contributes to the Birdie Q Score

Scarlett Aichroth avatar
Written by Scarlett Aichroth
Updated over 4 months ago

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What is Medication Monitoring?

Medication Monitoring is one category that contributes to the overall Birdie Q Score. It shows you how accountable and safe the medication care you give is.

There are 2 metrics we look at to assess your performance:

  1. Percentage of medication tasks complete

  2. Percentage of clients with more than 90% of medications complete.

To improve your Medication Monitoring Score, you can:

  1. Use the Visit Planning feature to remind carers to complete medication before they check out of a visit. If you are not currently using the Visit Planning feature and would like to find out more, contact your Birdie Customer Success Manager.

  2. Regularly audit your medication and provide extra training for carers who are not completing medications in accordance with the MAR charts.

How do we help you improve?

In addition to your monthly Q-Score report, every Monday evening we will send a set of weekly reports to help keep you on track. There are five reports each providing a different view of care delivery and care management. Using these reports you can drive improvements in your Q-Score by identifying clients & carers needing your attention and support. See here for more info on the Birdie Q Score.

Check your Care Delivery Trends report to determine where you have a problem, read on to see our tips on how to get an Outstanding Score.

Medication Monitoring and The Birdie Q Score:

Here is how the Q Score is scored:

1: Inadequate

Less than 75% of scheduled medications complete

Greater than 75% of clients with less than 90% of their scheduled medication complete.

2: Requires Improvement

Greater than 75% of scheduled medications complete

Greater than 75% of clients with less than 90% of their scheduled medication complete.

3: Good

Greater than 85% of scheduled medications complete

Greater than 85% of clients with less than 90% of their scheduled medication complete.

4: Outstanding

Greater than 90% of scheduled medications complete

Greater than 90% of clients with less than 90% of their scheduled medication complete.

What to do if you have less than 75% of scheduled medications complete:

Once you have checked your Call Monitoring score. You need to go to your Care Delivery by Client, weekly Report.

This image shows the total number of completed medication tasks and the percentage that has been completed. My first step here is to find out why these three clients are having issues with their medication by comparing data with the Care Delivery by Carer, weekly report.

With this report, I will be able to see which carer is recording the least amount of medications on Birdie. The next action could be to re-train your carers. Completing a medication outcome does not mean it needs to be marked as 'fully taken'. Registering that a medication has been refused or self-administered will also count as a completed outcome.

*If you are not receiving a total of 5 weekly reports and a monthly Q Score report from your account manager please get in touch.


Find out more about the different categories:

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