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The Birdie Q-score: Alert Responsiveness

A category that contributes to the Birdie Q Score

Scarlett Aichroth avatar
Written by Scarlett Aichroth
Updated over a month ago

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What is alert responsiveness?

Alert Responsiveness is one category that contributes to the overall Birdie Q Score. It is helping you to be more responsive in your care.

These are the 2 metrics we look at to assess your performance:

  1. Percentage of alerts resolved within 24 hours

  2. The average number of hours to qualify/resolve alerts.

To improve your Alert Responsiveness Score, you can:

  1. Ensure that Care Managers/admin team are regularly checking and actioning the 'alerts' section of the Birdie agency hub, and are moving alerts to 'in progress' or 'resolved' within 24 hours of the alert coming in.

  2. Set up email notifications so that you are aware of what alerts are coming in in real time.

  3. Put a process in place to qualify/resolve alerts quickly and effectively.

How do we help you improve?

In addition to your monthly Q-Score report, every Monday evening we will send a set of weekly reports to help keep you on track. There are five reports each providing a different view of care delivery and care management.

Using these reports you can drive improvements in your Q-Score by identifying clients & carers needing your attention and support. See here for more info on the Birdie Q Score.

Your Alert Responsiveness performance will be recorded across the two areas. If your Call Monitoring score is low, please look at this article. Improving your Call Monitoring Score will reduce the number of alerts as well as medication errors by ensuring carers are reporting as scheduled.

Check your Care Delivery and Management Trends reports to determine where you have a problem, read on to see our tips on how to get an Outstanding Score.

Alert Responsiveness and The Birdie Q Score:

Here is how the Q Score is scored:

1: Inadequate

Feature 1: Under 60% of alerts resolved within 24 hours

Feature 2: Over 48 hours to respond to an alert.

2: Requires Improvement

Feature 1: Greater than 60% of alerts resolved within 24 hours

Feature 2: Under 48 hours to respond to an alert.

3: Good

Feature 1: Greater than 60% of alerts resolved within 24 hours

Feature 2: Under 36 hours to respond to an alert.

4: Outstanding

Feature 1:Greater than 60% of alerts resolved within 24 hours

Feature 2: Under 24 hours to respond to an alert.

What to do if you have under 60% of alerts resolved within 24 hours:

If you are struggling to achieve this, you may have too many alerts coming in. Use your Care Management Trends report to see which type of alert you are getting the most of.

Do you have a high number of Forced Check-In/out Alerts?

Do you have a high number of Missed Medications?

Do you have a low % of Visits Starting within 15 minutes of schedule?

What to do if you have taken over 48 hours to respond to an alert:

If you have managed the volume of alerts coming in. To make sure you are en route to have all alerts responded to within 24 hours.

We suggest making sure you have someone managing the Alert inbox at all times during working hours. This will mean most alerts can be qualified in under 24 hours easily! Monitor your progress by looking at your Care Management Trends report.

*If you are not receiving a total of 5 weekly reports and a monthly Q Score report from your account manager please get in touch.

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