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Breakdown of Each Birdie Analytics Report

A short guide to see which report does what on Birdie Analytics

Ravi avatar
Written by Ravi
Updated over 3 months ago

Please note: If you do not have access to these features and you are interested in learning more about Birdie Analytics, Please get in touch to talk to a member of our team!

Make the most out of your Birdie Analytics licence by quickly seeing what each report does and when you would use it. For more guidance on how to download reports, see this article- How to download files from Birdie Analytics.

If you do not have Birdie Analytics or you would like to upgrade please reach out to one of our team by clicking the button below.

Report list and usages: Care Management

Report name

What is it?

When would I use it?

Monthly Active Clients

A high-level report showing how many clients you have in comparison to the past few months, including new packages, existing packages, and lost packages. (i.e. passed away or left the agency).

Get a quick insight to see how your business is growing. Keep an eye on the balance between new and lost packages.

Q Score Summary

Taking inspiration from the CQC KLOEs and ratings, this high-level report helps you evidence your KLOEs on data from Birdie and your rostering system. From safe and person-centred, to responsive and caring.

Monthly. Monitor your Q Score to ensure the rating is going up. Drill into each metric and create actionable steps. Save and showcase during inspections.

Client Details

A report showing you the demographic details of your clients such as DOB, gender, and address as well data to show if they are regulated care, groups and service start date.

To get a quick overview of your client's personal information and to see where you may have to add additional information.

Care Circle Members

The total number of clients with Family Members actively using the Family App, the number of family members invited to the Family App and the percentage of family members who logged into the App.

Gain insight into how many of your care recipients have had their family invited to use our Family App as a way to quickly understand how engaged the family members are.

Client Risk Level Changes

A report showing when a client's risk level has changed. It shows when it was changed, by who and the reason why this was changed.

To see a quick overview of care recipients changing risk levels. This report can allow you to see whose care plans may need to be updated to match their risk level.

Client Waterlow Score Changes

A report to show when a client's Waterlow score has changed.

You would use this for a quick overview of a client's Waterlow score, and to support the reviewing of their risk status and care plan.

Completed Visit Reports

The total number of reports completed on Birdie in the past months. And, the number of scheduled calls on your roster which were actually completed.

Make sure you're having no missed visits. Save these reports as Excel docs and write notes to evidence. Set up alerts if the percentage of calls drops below a certain figure.

Visit Punctuality & Fulfilment

Carer audit to see if calls are starting on time and ending on time with drill-downs per client and per carer.

You can use this report to view which carers are consistently on time, and which ones are not. Also, you can use this report to view any calls that are consistently underrunning or overrunning to speak to the client or the local authority in extending/updating their call time.

Care Tasks Completed

The total tasks that have been completed in the past few months, and how many scheduled tasks were completed on Birdie.

It's a great way to evidence a safe and effective care delivery as the carers can provide all the care needs by completing the tasks, or they are at least being prompted.

Medication Tasks Completed

How many total medications were recorded on Birdie. And, the medications completed as a percentage of all the medications. Also, % of clients with more than 90% of their medication recorded.

The best way to prove that medications are being recorded. This can be improved by using Visit Planning to remind carers when medication tasks have not been completed.

Hours Delivered

The number of total hours of care delivered per month, and how that compares to the expected scheduled hours of care.

It's a growth tool, monitor your hours are growing. Set alerts to ensure you're hours aren't exceptionally over or under the scheduled hours and being able to evidence this to the local authority.

Observations & Visit Notes

The number of observations carers record per call (food, mood, drinks, etc.), and how many recorded visits have notes written by carers.

To evidence person-centred, holistic, plus above and beyond care delivery. You can prove that carers are not only completing tasks but logging extra notes and observations to make each call unique and holistic.

Secure Check-in/Out Success

A monthly report showing the % of calls with secure check-in/outs. And, the number of total forced check-in/outs last month and the past few months.

Set up alerts if this number increases and drill down to see if certain clients are causing the forced alerts (due to being in a bad signal area), or certain carers (if they aren’t refreshing location or turning off location).

Individuals with Reported Visits

A monthly report showing the number of clients receiving visits and carers reporting visits.

This report also shows the number of clients with visits reported on the Birdie app, and the number of carers and care managers reporting visits on the Birdie app.

Track growth in the number of clients and carers on visits, and compare to the previous 6 months.

Longer Visits & Consistent Care

A report showing the % of calls longer than 45mins, and the % of clients seen by a maximum of 6 carers per month.

Good evidence allows business growth, by having longer calls as an agency, and evidence caring and safe care if most clients are seen by the same carers who they can build a caring relationship with.

Alerts Raised & Resolved

The total number of alerts raised, how quickly they are qualified (status changed), and what % of the alerts are resolved with 24 hours.

Good evidence on responsiveness as you can prove that you look at and action alerts as soon as they come through. You can also see which clients (or carers) cause the most alerts to escalate appropriately.

Care Planning

The office team and how many tasks they have added per client, how many notes they add per task, and how often they update this.

Evidence an effective care plan by having multiple tasks per client, a person-centred care plan by tasks having notes. Plus, a responsive care plan where tasks and notes are updated frequently based on the client’s changing needs.


This report shows the percentage of clients with up-to-date assessments (based on the filter at the top: select from 30 days, 90 days or 180 days). It also shows the number of clients with outdated assessments and a breakdown of the initial assessments and additional assessments completed for each individual client.

Use this report to evidence up-to-date assessments, and to support clients who may have outdated assessments. If you'd like to download a list of the clients who need their assessments to be updated, click on the number shown above 'Care Recipients with Outdated Assessments' and download it from here. This will give you a targeted list so that you know which assessments to prioritise.

Medical History

This report shows the number of clients with a selected medical history. Select a medical condition using the filters at the top of the report to see the number of clients in your care with this condition/ history, and a list of client names.

Use to identify trends in medical histories and match appropriately trained carers to clients.


This report shows the status and assignee of an action raised in the agency hub. You will be able to see the care recipient's name and the due date of the action.

You would use this to get an immediate overview of any actions you have raised in your agency hub and when the due date is for these actions for each care recipient.

Visit Logs

Planned versus actuals: A complete report that shows all the scheduled calls with their planned check-in/out time and duration, and the actual call times with check-in/out time and duration.

Many agencies schedule this report to be sent to their local authority to demonstrate compliance with them. You can also schedule these to be sent to you as CSV (Excel) files to write notes next to any discrepancies.

Medication Task Logs

A list of all the medications on Birdie, and their outcome. Showing the client, carer, time of outcome vs. scheduled, and if it is self-administered or not.

You can spot any non-recorded medications, as well as evidence that visit planning causes all medications within a visit to be completed.

Client Observation Logs

A list of all observations and notes logged by carers. Showing the time of the observation, as well as the carer and notes.

A good report to filter by client and share with their family members to keep them in the loop. This is also a good first step towards evaluating care and creating graphs to evidence an improvement or decline in health.

Care Delivery Trends

A weekly report on your carers, showing a list of all your carers in terms of clients visited, punctuality, tasks, observations & medications completed, and notes left.

Evidence appraisals or further training. Agencies may use this to rank their carers and drive promotions on good care delivery. Allows you to be more objective than subjective.

Care Delivery by Carer

A weekly report on the number of hours and visits delivered, punctuality, tasks, observations and medications completed, broken down by individual carer.

Evidence appraisals or further training. Agencies may use this to rank their carers and drive promotions on good care delivery. Allows you to be more objective than subjective.

Care Delivery by Client

A weekly report on the number of hours and visits delivered, punctuality, tasks, observations and medications completed, broken down by individual client.

Use to check care delivery for different clients and see trends, for example, if a client is regularly receiving more / less than their scheduled hours or regularly missing medication.

Care Management Trends

A weekly report with metrics on the office team, how up-to-date their care plans are, medication monitoring, and alert responsiveness.

Another report to share with the office team to set quality KPIs and ensure each member is monitoring and improving their area of care management.

Care Management by Client

A weekly report per client on how care plans (tasks) have been set up, how many have notes, and how often they have been updated.

A good report to share with the team in charge of tasks and alert management to ensure they are updating constantly to be fully prepared for inspections.


This report will show you a count of notes created across your agency, including a helpful breakdown by type.

A great report to get an overview of notes created across your agency, including the ability to see a breakdown by note type and note count over time.

If you use our all-in-one Birdie platform with care management, rostering and finance, you will also have access to additional reports. These are listed below:

Report list and usages: Scheduling & Matching

Report name

What is it?

When would I use it?

Client & Carer Rota

This report will show you all future visits that have been scheduled in your agency. You can now filter using the name of the person whose rota you want to drill into.

You can schedule and share this report with your care recipients or care professionals so that they have visibility over their rota for the week.

ECM reports (3x) for Mobile Reported Times

See visit logs formatted for electronic call monitoring requirements. These reports use reported check-in/check-out times from the carer's mobile device (unless overridden by an admin) as actual and delivered times

This report can help you to understand the consistency of the check-in times of your care professionals and provide insights as to why there may be forced check-ins for certain addresses.

ECM reports (3x) for Audited Times

See visit logs formatted for electronic call monitoring requirements. These reports use the invoice audited times as actual and delivered times.

This report will be helpful to your finance team which can use this to support with confirming visits for payroll.

Carer Details

This report shows the number of care professionals and their details, including email, phone number and contract type.

Get a quick insight into your number of care professionals, and easily download their contact details.

Report list and usages: Human Resources

Report name

What is it?

When would I use it?

Training Expiry

The report helps ensure you have total visibility into all staff training and upcoming expiry dates reducing the risk of being non-compliant.

A good report to share with the team in charge of training your care professionals to ensure they are planning and fulfilling training.

Covid Vaccination

At a glance, you can see the total count of those who are fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated, have had their booster - or are unvaccinated or have no status recorded. We also provide a graph view so you can easily visualise this info!

This is an important report to use whilst planning care visits so you can assign the best and most suited carer to the visit, ensuring that both the care professional and the care recipient can remain safe.

Carer Absences

This report shows a list of requested carer absences including what kind of absence it is and the start and end date.

You would use this report to see a complete list of all of your absent carers, this can help you with scheduling and templating visits.

Report list and usages: Billing & Payroll

Report name

What is it?

When would I use it?

Pay Summary

Overview of gross pay balances for each pay run.

This report is a useful overview to see total gross pay, as well as the split of pay between working time, travel time and mileage.

Revenue Summary

Overview of the amount invoiced and hours delivered in a given period, where invoices have been generated.

This report is helpful as an overview of invoices generated and hours worked. It can be filtered by time period to suit your invoice cycles too.

Purchase Orders

Overview of purchase orders, including the client, payer, contract name, service type and maximum hours per week.

You can use this report to quickly view purchase orders, and filter by payer (e.g. local authority), client, service type and more.

Profit & Loss

This report shows an overview of an estimated gross margin per client after payroll and invoicing has been run. You will be able to adjust the value of estimated payroll add-ons for NI, holiday and pension using the filters at the top of the page.

You would use this to see where you are making the most or least profit.

Xero Invoicing Template

A summary of visit details with financial information that can be downloaded, adjusted and exported to Xero.

When you want to upload Birdie data to Xero.


Total time spent travelling and distance travelled per staff member in a given period.

This report is based on pay runs, and gives a breakdown of the commute time and distance, the time and distance between visits, and the distance travelled per hour of work.

Report list and usages: Delivery & Incidents

Report name

What is it?

When would I use it?


Breakdown of all the concerns such as incidents, accidents, skin integrity, medication and when they were raised. You can also see the public or private setting.

You would use this to get an overview of all the alerts raised in your agency over a set period of time.

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