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How to use the Scheduling Calendar

Utilise the weekly scheduling calendar to get an overview of your care recipients' and care professionals' schedules.

Anjelica avatar
Written by Anjelica
Updated over a year ago

Please note: This is available as part of the majority of Birdie’s packages, excluding any Care Management, Entry, Starter, and Care Management+Rostering packages. Please get in touch if interested in more information on this feature!

The weekly scheduling calendar will enable you to view the full week of scheduling for each Care Recipient under your service and Care Professionals in your team. The calendar shows the full week for a 24-hour day. This makes overnight visits/longer visits for different care types much clearer and easier to track - and will give you a full view of their schedule for any given week!

You will be able to establish how many visits in a week are unallocated for a Care Recipient and use this information to find a Care Professional that can attend them.

How to view the weekly scheduling calendar for a Care Recipient

Start by going to the Client tab. Select the care recipient and then click on the Calendar tab on the left-hand sidebar. Here you will see their weekly rota.

The colour of the boxes are the same as on the rostering screen:

  • Green blocks are past visits that have been completed, this requires the carer to check-in and out of the visit on the app

  • Red blocks are past visits that have not been completed because the carer did not check-in using the birdie app

  • Navy blocks are future visits that are scheduled

Use the date selector in the top-right corner of the screen. you can use the arrows to move across a week or you can use the drop-down calendar to select a date.

When you hover over the visit cards you will be able to see information about this visit such as:

  • The care professional assigned

  • The time of the visit

  • If it is a double up

  • Group

  • Run

  • Status

The default view for the scheduling calendar is 4 weeks' worth of rotas. To load more, go to the Roster tab and scroll to the desired date to load future weeks. Once this is done, the newly loaded weeks will be reflected in the scheduling calendar for both the Care Recipient and Care Professional.

How to view the weekly scheduling calendar for a Care Professional

The scheduling calendar for Care Professionals is the same as the one for Care Recipients - providing you with a full view of their rota for any given week.

Start by going to the Team tab. Select team member and then click on the Calendar tab under the Availability tab. Here you will see their weekly rota.

As with the Care Recipient's scheduling calendar, you will see visits allocated to them.

The colour of the boxes are the same as on the rostering screen:

  • Green blocks are past visits that have been completed, this requires the carer to check-in and out of the visit on the app

  • Red blocks are past visits that have not been completed because the carer did not check-in using the Birdie app

  • Navy blocks are future visits that are scheduled

When you hover over the visit cards you will be able to see information about this visit such as:

  • The care recipient the visit is for

  • The time of the visit

  • If it is a double-up

  • Group

  • Run

  • Status

For those with access to Birdie's utilisation tool, you will also be able to get visibility into their utilisation for that week - much like you do in the rostering screen! In the top left-hand corner, you will see their utilisation, including how many hours the Care Professional has been assigned and how they are measuring against their preferred working hours.

This will help you to optimise the carer professionals' calendar and ensure you are keeping their working preferences in mind.

For more on Birdie's utilisation feature and associated icons, please see the article here.

How to allocate and edit visits using the weekly scheduling calendar

Within the weekly scheduling calendar, you are able to allocate and edit visits. To do so, click on any visit you would like to make a change to.

This will pull up a menu, with two options:

  • Find alternate carer

  • View visit details

Clicking on Find alternate carer will pull up a modal, where you can allocate to a Care Professional while viewing important matching information such as continuity, travel time and group. Click allocate carer once happy with your selection.

Clicking on 'View visit details' will open up the right-hand sidebar. Here, you will be able to:

  • View visit details such as scheduled time and client location.

  • View and edit the ‘Care Team’

  • Review the activities associated with the visit

  • Review the timeline of any changes to the visit

Please note: you are able to do the above in both the Care Professional and Care Recipient weekly scheduling calendar.

How to download and print your Care Professional's weekly rota

Within the weekly scheduling calendar of any Care Professional, you will also have the option to easily download and print their weekly visit schedule.

To do this, click Download visits on the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Once clicked, a modal will pop up, where you have the ability to download and save as a PDF.

After you've saved this, you can then email on to the Care Professional as you would like. Alternatively, you can choose to print this!

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