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How to Use the Holiday Pay Reports on Birdie Analytics [beta]
How to Use the Holiday Pay Reports on Birdie Analytics [beta]

Use these reports to see your Carers accrued and taken holiday since the start of the holiday year.

Anjelica avatar
Written by Anjelica
Updated over a week ago

Please note: This feature is part of a beta. Please get in touch if interested in more information on this feature!

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The Holiday Pay reports will now allow you to accurately pay your Carers for the holiday that they have accrued while logging time via the Birdie app.

Currently, this report defaults to a holiday year from April 1st - March 31st, but we have made it so we can support other holiday years. To do this, you will need to confirm your holiday year start date with your account manager. The Holiday Pay calculations only include data available in Birdie. 

How does the report work?

  • Holidays cannot be rolled over between holiday years.

  • Holidays are always considered a full day in accrual and pay calculations. A holiday booked on the Birdie platform for part of a day will be counted as a full day by this report.

  • If a holiday is booked for a period of fewer than 7 days, pay is calculated for each day. If the holiday period booked is for 7 days or more, then the care professional is paid based on their rolling average days per week worked.

  • Holidays are accrued based on 12.07% of hours a carer is paid for delivering care as well as all travel and wait time (paid and unpaid). The Holiday Pay calculations work on the assumption that your agency is consistently running payroll on Birdie.

  • Averages are calculated using a reference period of the past 52 weeks worked, looking back no more than 104 weeks.

Please note: holidays are identified as periods of annual leave booked on the Birdie platform.

What needs to be completed on Birdie for the reports to work accurately?

The following steps need to be completed for both reports to work accurately:

Steps to complete for the Holiday Pay Summary Report to work accurately:

Steps to complete for the Holiday Pay Summary for Payroll Report to work accurately:

  • You must have generated a pay run for that team member up until the period of leave taken. This is important because the hourly and daily pay rates for leave in the payroll report are dependent on the pay runs being up to date.

  • If there is no pay run generated up until the period of leave, the holiday pay calculation will be incorrect and you will likely underpay your team member. See this article on how to complete this step.

How to find the Holiday Pay Summary reports

Start by logging into Birdie Analytics. Click on Folders in the left sidebar, then Shared folders then Birdie Analytics.

Now click on the Holiday Pay beta report.

You will see two reports available:

  • Holiday Pay Summary Report

  • Holiday Pay Summary for Payroll Report

What does the Holiday Pay Summary Report show?

The Holiday Pay Summary Report shows how much leave has been accrued and taken by your Carers. You will see a list of your Carers and staff on the left-hand side.

You can use the filters at the top to search for a specific Carer or branch. If a Carer works for more than one branch they will show separately for each branch.

The report will show you:

  1. Payment week start date - Holiday accrual is calculated weekly. This field indicates the week commencing date for each row on the report.

  2. Total hours worked - Care time is added here once visits are confirmed for payroll. This is updated to include travel and wait time once pay runs are created. Visits discarded from payroll are excluded.

  3. Cumulative total hours worked- This is how many hours the person has worked since the beginning of the holiday year. Please note: April 1 - Mar 31 is the default holiday year unless another one is provided to your account manager.

  4. Accrued hours- This is 12.07% of hours worked which includes care, travel & wait time. This will include care time after visits have been confirmed for payroll and will be backdated to include travel and wait time (paid and unpaid) once pay runs have been created.

  5. Already taken hours- This is the number of hours the Cerer has already taken since the start of the holiday year. This is calculated by the sum of each day of holiday taken multiplied by the rolling average hours per day for the reference period leading up to the week in which the holiday was taken.

    Please note: This can only be booked in complete days and this only accounts for annual leave and does not include any other type of absence.

  6. Under/Over hours- This is the difference between how many hours have been accrued minus how many hours have already been taken.

  7. Accruable hours- This shows how many hours the Carer will save up between now and the end of the holiday year. Please note: this is a projection, based on current averages of hours worked.

  8. Future booked hours- This is how many holiday days the Carer has booked in the future multiplied by the current average hours worked per day.

  9. Average weekly days and hours- The average days per week that the Carer has worked within the 52-week reference period. Please note: this is calculated from hours worked and paid within the 52-week reference period and requires pay runs to be created in order to be accurate.

  10. Average hourly and daily pay rate- this is based on paid and unpaid hours worked for care, travel and wait time. These columns show the average hourly and daily rate for that specific Carer shown in pounds per hour. This is within the 52-week reference period.

    Please note: This is calculated from hours worked and paid within the 52-week reference period and requires pay runs to be created up until the leave taken in order to be accurate.

  11. Future bookable hours- This is an overview showing the projected hours that a Carer should be able to book as holiday in the current holiday year. This is based on their current surplus (or deficit) of accrued holiday and accruable hours minus any future booked hours.

What does the Holiday Pay Summary for Payroll report show?

The Holiday Pay Summary for Payroll report shows how much Carers are to be paid for holidays taken. This report will specifically show you the calculated holiday hours and pay for Carers. 

Here you will see a list of your Carers and staff on the left-hand side. You can use the filters at the top to search for a specific Carer or branch.

If a Carer works for more than one branch they will show twice on the report if you have selected both branches. The time frame can also be filtered at the top of the report using the Holiday Date filter.

This report will show you:

  1. Total Holiday (Days)- This is the total proportional days of holiday taken.

  2. Total Holiday (Hours)- This is the total hours of holiday taken, based on the rolling average hours per day.

  3. Total Holiday Pay (£)- This is the total holiday pay calculated in GBP. Please note: that payruns need to have been created for all visits prior to the day of holiday for this calculation to be correct.

Tip! You can click on the number of hours or pay to see a row for each day.

How to add the holiday pay entitlement to the team member's payslip

Once you have determined how much the team member is owed by using the Holiday Pay Summary for Payroll Report, you will need to add it to their payslip.

You can add the Holiday Pay as an ad hoc payment to the payslip generated on Birdie. This can only be done after the pay run has been generated. Please see this article on how to complete this step.

Once added, the pay run can be downloaded which will now include the additional holiday payment.

Top Tips & Troubleshooting

  • Carers will need to have their employment start date listed in Birdie Agency Hub in order for their holiday pay to be calculated. Check this information by going to their Onboarding tab.

  • If a Carer is not showing on the report, try changing the Role filter to 'Is: Any value' to include Admins and inactive Carer profiles.

  • Visits need to be confirmed to the Pay Dashboard in the Agency Hub before the working hours are included on the report.

  • Any updates made in Agency Hub can take up to 24 hours to reflect on the report.

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